Chapter 81

One month later

The weight of those painful events still pressed heavily on Siya. She sat with Mrinal, her head was on Mrinal’s lap, clutching her mother’s photo, her heart a mix of sorrow and fragile peace. The pain of losing her child lingered, a constant reminder of the cruel twists of fate. She had learned that her brother Akhilesh—whom she had only seen once—was searching for her at Smriti Ma’s request. The cruel irony was that he had unintentionally caused her loss, poisoning her which led to her unborn son’s death.

The sight of her child’s resting place had been unbearable, and she had sobbed into Abhimanyu’s arms. The ordeal had not ended with just this grief; she had to confront the painful truth about Smriti. Smriti had confessed to aiding Devraj’s wrongdoings, and although Siya forgave her, Smriti took her own life that very night, leaving behind a photo of Siya’s real mother as a final act of redemption.

Geeta, too, had come forward with her own confession, bringing her daughter and mother. Siya forgave her before Geeta even asked, recognizing the painful honesty and remorse in her eyes.

‘You know what I would have done the same as you Geeta Di. Mothers can do anything for their child.’ Siya said patting her. Gayetri also told her about her but mostly about her mother. Also, she told her she did great by killing that man who caused harm to so many people even tried to kill her and her friend who used to work with her in Singhania Mansion years ago. The reason was simple Gayetri and her friend were very close and loyal to Siara.

‘We used to call her Sia Bhabi in short. I have seen her pain, her heart ache with my own eyes. Me and my friend we hated Smriti Di but alas she was also helpless. We couldn’t help your mother but when we got to know Devraj is planning to kill you, we decided to take help from police. But Smriti Di was clever enough to save you. When that monster came to know about our plan he tried to kill us and that time Abhay Baba saved us and we are always grateful to him.’

They also blessed little Avishikta. Before leaving Gayetri hugged Siya ‘Never be like your mother Siya. Be a pure soul but fight for yourself. She was late to fight. And you know what your daughter’s eyes are just like hers, like Siara Bhabi’s eyes.’

As Siya had been processing all of this, Mrinal informed her that Asha Ji and their friends were coming to meet her. ‘Let’s go back to Mumbai, bacha. Asha Ma can’t travel much, or I would have called her here. They will be there by next week.’

Siya wiped her tears, her voice carrying a mix of resignation and hope. ‘Yes, Ma. Asha Ma can’t travel, so we’ll have to go back. They’ll be in the mansion.’

Currently, they were at Chatterjee House, Mrinal’s old residence. To alleviate her discomfort, Mridul had suggested they visit the house, and the presence of young children and their playful energy helped to lift her spirits. Aroni, Sneha, Priyanka, Jiya, Arti, and Amrita showered Siya with affection, as if she were a newborn in need of care. Abhimanyu was a loving and attentive husband, constantly by her side.

Barsha and Rohan joined them as well, adding to the circle of support. Their love and care provided Siya with much-needed comfort, and it was in this environment of warmth and acceptance that her heart began to heal.

At dinner table everyone was present, enjoying simple meal with their beloved ones. Kids were busy with little Avishikta.

‘Feed her properly Viraj and Rudra. She is your baby sister right?’ Barsha patted them who were trying feed their sister.

After dinner Abhimanyu and Siya spent time with the family members. They played cards while having some desserts and at almost midnight they all retired to their room.

They sitting on their bed alone as Avishikta was with Jiya and her brothers sleeping together.

‘We will go back soon. They are coming.’ She nodded hearing his words.

He was caressing her head. ‘I know TweetyBird it’s hard for you…’ She put a finger on his lips.

‘It was hard but not now. You have healed me again again Ji.’ She said hugging him tightly. Abhimanyu hugged her back then kissed her temple.

Siya suddenly clutched her stomach, her face contorted with discomfort. She got up and went to the washroom.

She came out changing her clothes.

‘Your periods is late this month.’ He said picking her up and settling her on the bed.

Siya looked at him, surprised. ‘You keep track of this too? Oh no, I’ve ruined the bedsheet.’

Abhimanyu chuckled softly, trying to ease the tension. I keep track because it’s important. Let’s visit a doctor for you and Avu also. And don’t worry about the bedsheets; we have plenty.’

‘I’m fine. It sometimes happens. You should take Avu to the doctor, and I’ll stay here and rest.’ Siya said, her voice wavering.

‘No, I’ve already booked an appointment for both of you.’ Abhimanyu insisted.

‘Is it more painful than usual?’ He asked holding her chin up.

‘Not so much.’ She lied.

‘I prefer truth TweetyBird.’

Siya hesitated, then admitted ‘Well, yes.’

‘Come here, let me give you a massage.’ Abhimanyu said gently. ‘Do you want a painkiller?’

Siya shook her head. ‘No, I’ll be fine. Just let me rest. I’ll be better by morning. My hot ba.’

Before she could ask for it Abhimanyu handed it to her.

‘Just relax.’ He again kissed her forehead.

Abhimanyu began to massage her back with tender care, his hands working to ease her discomfort. His voice was soothing, a quiet reassurance in the midst of the night’s worries.

As Siya closed her eyes, she felt the gentle rhythm of Abhimanyu’s touch and the loving support of her friends and family. Though the pain and uncertainty lingered, the strength of her support network provided a glimmer of hope and comfort, helping her face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Next day Siya was in the car along with Abhimanyu, Avishikta and a house help of Chatterjee House. Jiya sent her with them.

‘Siya you are already in pain. Take Namita Di with you.’ Jiya said to her who was sitting on a small chair in the kitchen.

‘Ar Namita Di Rudrar tiffin ta pack kore dao ar oder sathe ektu jao. Siya r sorir ta valo nei.’

(And Namita Di pack Rudra’s lunch and go with them please. Siya isn’t fine.)

‘Arreh Jiya Boudi konobepar na. Ami jachi Siya Boudi oo Siya Boudi ap jaye hum ati hain.’

(Jiya Boudi it’s fine. I am going, Siya Boudi you go I am coming after you.)

Siya laughed hearing her broken Hindi.

‘Namita Di ami Bangla ta valoi bujhi.’ (Namita Di, I understand Bengali well.)

‘See we both are fine. Now stop your car by the Phuchka shop near Vivekananda Park. I am craving for it.’

2 days later they moved back to Mumbai when Siya was feeling less pain.

On Sunday Asha Ma and her friends came. Siya once again cried telling them how her heart aches yet.

‘I don’t want to cry especially in front of him.’ Siya said hugging her friends.

‘It won’t mind. He loves you more than you can imagine.’ Kavya replied kissing her hair.

‘Now let’s go and get ready. We have to buy few things for our café right.’ Neha said breaking the group hug.

Next to next day

Siya was busy chatting with her baby and friends. Abhimanyu wasn’t home yet. Devika, Vishal, Abhay and Mrinal went out. They also took Asha Ji with them.

‘So today you elder people go out and enjoy. We will be making dinner for all.’ Shreya said biding them good bye.

‘No need to stress yourself. You guys watch movies in the hall. Our chef will make food.’ Mrinal said.

‘You can make dessert for us.’ Vishal said with his toothy smile well he doesn’t have much teeth.

‘Neha hold her. I am coming from the washroom.’ Siya moved out to use washroom.

‘Let’s see what is on the TV.’ Kavya took the remote. She was going through different channels where she found a news channel and saw a face sje knew. It was a breaking news. Police have recently found a dead body. The body was deformed. His whole body expect the face was unrecognisable.

Beside that deformed body was body it was Ricky who was shot dead. At the same time Siya came back

She felt like she will puke anytime.

Vicky’s body looked no less than a body which was being eaten by some animal. And headlines showed his whole body was tattooed with hot iron and it was written on his skin ‘I am a R*pist.

Then came the interview of a group of doctors who did postmortem of Vicky’s body was interviewed.

‘We have never seen such brutal case. But the irony is that the person who punished him tortured him to death and again kept him alive. He has multiple organ failure, and he died mainly due to that brutal iron tattooing.

‘It must be his deed.’ Siya mumbled shutting down the TV.

‘If he has done that, he did great. I would have done the same Siya, if I had those power.’ Kavya said as they move out to have some fresh air.


Few days later one girl was interviewed random by a News Channel. This time Abhimanyu was sitting with Siya in their room.

‘Well till yesterday I also felt sad. But after seeing that video (the girl took a deep breath as it was video of Vicky r*ping a girl) the person did great. No need to find the culprit. It’s the right punishment for rap*st. You know that person who killed him this brutally didn’t hurt his private parts that’s the difference between them. He or she must be brutal yet didn’t harm this ra*ist’s dignity.’

‘See you have such big fan following Ji.’ Siya showed him the screen who was busy in his laptop. The TV was in low volume as Avishikta was sleeping.

‘Who told you it’s me?’ He asked not looking at her.

‘Only you knew that Vicky and his men used to make tattoo on those girls writing ‘Wh*re’ on their body. He couldn’t do to me because I didn’t let him. But Layla has one, oh god it must be painful.’ She said feeling a bit sad. Maybe their dark phase is gone but the impact still hurts somewhere.

‘Well then, I have something to tell you. Even though I would have done that on his body it was Rithvik who encouraged me to do this on his whole body. And the reason you must know. He was so angry that day when he found out.’ He said pulling her on his lap keeping his laptop aside.

‘Lily I mean Layla’s daughter also likes Rithvik but Layla needs time. Layla told me about their date even she did pull that stunt so that Rithvik rejects her.’

After Avishikta’s Annaprasan Rithvik confessed his feelings for his Layla. Layla clearly said no but he kept tried to win her heart. He would pick up Lily from school, help her doing her homework. Buy her gifts, chocolates and Layla had to go on a date with Rithvik eventually seeing her daughter’s puppy eyes and happy face.

There she did something unexpected. In the hotel room she showed him her marks thinking he might leave her but instead he hugged her and next day he took her to a doctor of Singh Raizada Hospital and arranged best doctor and treatment to completely remove that mark. In current time Rithvik is Layla’s boyfriend but at first, he is Lily’s Dadda.

‘I hope Rithvik wins her heart. Both Lily and Layla deserve the whole world and love.’

‘Well then you have to do the Gathbandhan for them. Because Rakesh has some relatives but Rithvik is orphan.’

‘Well not anymore now. Now let’s forget them and let me love you properly.’ With that he kissed her deeply.


‘Suhani Di can you and Barsha Di take me to doctor?’

‘Kiu bacha (why)? What happened to you?’ They both asked.

She told them whatever her reason was making them pull her legs.

‘So next year by this time we should expect a brother or a sister for Avu baby haina?’ Suhani said making her cheeks cherry red.



So I hope Vicky got what he deserved. I punished him the way I felt right to punish a R*pist. And next chapter gonna me a mature one cause umm iykyk

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Writing books where he fell first and he fell harder also.