Chapter 79

Nemesis is long delayed sometimes, but it comes in the end.

- Smriti Devraj Singhania


Gayetri cried out telling him everything. That past haunts her.

‘Can I meet her Abhay Baba? I missed her so much?’ She asked with a hope.

‘She might not remember you at this instant. But I will meet you with her soon.’ Abhay said getting up.

‘Have some tea. Also, she actually doesn’t know any of us. That monster kept her in that outhouse as some sick punishment.’ Gayetri’s words made him clench in anger.

‘Sorry Bhabi now I have a lot to do. Also stay alert until you hear the news of his death.’ He said in a cold voice.

‘Will you kill him Baba?’ She asked.

‘I kill him only Bhabi. He attacked my son and what do you think he will sit idle. He is also planning.’ His

‘Stay safe Abhay Baba. He must be planning. He is no good. His father was a good person but he. I feel ashamed that I worked for him once, he is into drug dealing, and also, I have heard he is into human trafficking or something. What can be accepted from a person who killed his own wife mentally and didn’t even spare his own child.’ She cried covering her mouth with the end of her saree.


A week later

A maid came running ‘Smriti Bhabi he was on call. He must be attacking on them today.’

Smriti didn’t let her complete. ‘On them but where?’

She knew telling Devraj will make no difference. She ran towards the door but it was locked.

‘I am not sure where. But he said to the mansion, right the mansion.’

‘Help me please.’ She said holding the girl’s hand. She was right Devraj was waiting for Stephan’s men to come.

The girl was a bit hesitant.

‘What can you do Madam? I can let you come out but his men won’t let you go outside. After we went to Shimla he has threatened me also.’

‘Huh? Today everything will be gone. Because DEVRAJ'S NEMESIS is here. None can save him now. His sin's pot is now completely full. Also I just want them to be safe. Give me your phone, that will be enough.’ She dialed the number which she somehow got from Asha Ma.


The sun bathed the mansion in a soft golden glow. Birds chirp, and the breeze carried the scent of jasmine from the garden. All seems peaceful, as the grand mansion stands tall under the bright sky. But beneath this serene morning lies the darkness of what’s about to unfold.

At the gates, everything appears calm—until the quiet is interrupted by the distant roar of approaching SUVs. The vehicles come into view, gliding through the quiet street toward the mansion. Devraj sits in the passenger seat of the lead car, his face stoic and determined, while Stephan, the German mafia leader, follows behind, a cruel smile playing on his lips. Armed men fill the other vehicles, their weapons hidden but ready.

Inside, the mansion is alive with post morning activities. Workers bustle about, preparing lunch. In the sunlit study, Siya sits near the window, a cup of tea in her hand, flipping through old family albums. Mrinal, dressed elegantly, strolls through the living room, her mind on the day ahead. The calmness of the morning is shattered as the attack begins.

The black SUVs pull up in front of the gates. Devraj steps out calmly, surveying the mansion. With a single glance to Stephan, the order is given. Stephan signals to his men, who immediately spring into action. The first guard barely has time to react before he's taken down with a swift silenced shot. The gate is forced open, and the attack commences.

Stephan’s men, swift and methodical, infiltrate the grounds, neutralizing the guards with precision. Their movements are cold and efficient, a stark contrast to the bright, sunny morning.

Mrinal, walking through the mansion, hears the faint commotion outside but doesn’t immediately grasp the gravity of the situation. A servant rushes past her, panic in his eyes. Before she can react, the front door is kicked open with a loud crash.

The peaceful morning is shattered as Devraj and his men flood the mansion.

"It’s time." Devraj’s voice boomed in the mansion which was steely calm.

Gunshots ring out, sending shockwaves through the mansion. The workers scream and try to guard Mrinal and Siya but got injured maybe some got saved also.

Mrinal, stunned by the sudden violence, is grabbed by one of Devraj’s men. He roughly forces her to the ground as she struggles, her cries for help echoing through the once-tranquil home.

In the study, Siya jumps at the sound of gunfire, her teacup clattering to the floor. Her heart races as she steps cautiously toward the door—only to be met by Stephan himself. His sinister grin cuts through the daylight as he blocks her path.

"Going somewhere?"

He grabs her arm, dragging her toward the living room where Mrinal is already restrained. The once serene morning is now a scene of chaos and terror.

Devraj steps into the living room, his presence commanding, and the air thick with menace. Siya and Mrinal are thrown to the ground, their hands bound by Stephan’s men.

"What do you want from us?!" Mrinal asked being desperate.

"You know exactly what I want." Devraj replied coldly.

His gaze flickers to Siya, his intentions clear and cruel.

"You should have stayed out of this. Now, you’ll pay."

From afar, the sound of roaring engines cuts through the chaos. Abhay and Abhimanyu’s cars speed down the driveway, tires screeching as they approach. First Smriti’s call and then their workers who informed them. The brightness of the morning sun reflects off their windshields, but there’s no mistaking the storm of fury on their faces.

Stephan, holding Siya in his grasp, smirks as he binds her wrists. Mrinal struggles but is forced into submission by Devraj’s men. The sound of guards falling outside is faint but noticeable now. The mansion, once a symbol of power, is overtaken by violence.

"It’s over."

Just as Devraj reaches for Siya, a deafening roar is heard from outside.

Abhay and Abhimanyu leap from their vehicles, guns drawn, sprinting toward the mansion entrance.

"DEVRAJ!" It was none other than Abhay Singh Raizada

The sun shines brightly on their faces, but their mission is clear—save their family, no matter the cost.

Devraj’s cold eyes narrow as he watches Mrinal, her defiance lingering in the air. The tension is thick, but Mrinal’s lips curl into a bitter smile. Her voice, laced with venom, cuts through the silence.

"You think you’ll get what you want?" Mrinal mocks him.

She spits the words at him, her laughter hollow as she glances at her husband, trying to find strength in her fear. The cruel game Devraj is playing doesn’t faze her—at least not yet.

But Devraj merely smirks, unimpressed by her display. Without a word, he raises his hand and gestures to one of his men standing near the doorway. The man who was none other than Ricky steps forward, holding something, no—someone—in his arms.

Siya’s breath catches in her throat, her heart nearly stopping as she recognizes the small, fragile figure.

"No… no, no…" Siya whispered, cried being horrified.

The man steps closer, revealing Siya’s baby, clutched tightly in his arms. The infant whimpers softly, oblivious to the terror surrounding her. But the moment Siya’s eyes fall on her child, a piercing scream escapes her lips.

"MY BABY! Oh my god, please—leave my baby! She has nothing to do with this, nothing! PLEASE!" Siya sobbed being frantic.

Her voice cracks, desperation pouring out as she struggles against the ropes binding her wrists, her body trembling with fear. Tears stream down her face, her pleas filled with the kind of anguish that only a mother can feel when her child is in danger.

But Devraj’s expression remains stone-cold.

"Oh? You think your baby’s innocent in all this?" Devraj mocks her

He walks slowly, circling Siya like a predator toying with its prey. His every step deliberates, cruel, and taunting. He turns his gaze to Mrinal, a twisted smile forming on his lips.

"Who’s scared now?"

Mrinal’s defiance falters for a brief moment, her eyes shifting from her husband to Siya’s baby, her heart sinking as the gravity of the situation hits her.

Suddenly, another door opens, and Devika and Vishal are dragged in, bound, their faces pale with fear. They are thrown to the ground beside Siya and Mrinal, another brutal reminder of the stakes in this twisted game.

"You thought you could mock me? You thought your little family meant something? Look at them now!" His voice raised chillingly.

He steps forward, grabbing Siya by the hair and forcing her to face her baby. Her screams turn to choked sobs as she tries to reach for the child, but the ropes keep her in place.

"Please… please don’t hurt her… she’s just a baby…" Siya sobbed uncontrollably being helpless.

Abhimanyu, standing in the corner, watches the scene unfold, his fists clenched so tightly his knuckles are white. His entire body is burning with rage, but he knows he can’t act yet. He knows the moment he does; Devraj could end everything.

But the cruelty doesn’t stop there.

Devraj leans down, whispering into Siya’s ear, his voice a serpent’s hiss.

"You should have kept quiet, Siya. Now… everyone pays."

He signals the man holding the baby, and for a horrifying moment, time seems to freeze. The man tightens his grip on the child, lifting her slightly as if to make a point.

Siya’s heart stops. Her scream is raw, primal.

"NOOO! MY BABY!" Siya screamed in agony.

Mrinal’s eyes widen in horror as she lunges forward, only to be slammed back into the ground by one of Devraj’s men.

Abhimanyu is ready to explode. His chest heaves, his breath ragged, his eyes bloodshot with rage. But Devraj’s men surround him, weapons drawn, keeping him at bay. His entire world is teetering on the edge of chaos.

"You touch that baby, and I will end you." Abhimanyu’s low dangerous voice was heard.

But Devraj just laughs, a cruel, hollow sound.

"End me? You can’t even save them."

He grabs Siya’s chin roughly, forcing her to look up at him.

"You will watch, Siya. Watch as everything you love is ripped away, one by one."

The cruelty in his words hangs in the air like a death sentence.

But the scared girl couldn’t understand why his words felt like venom in her ears. Did she know him even? Why he is particularly targeting her? Except being her husband’s rival what could be his enmity with her?

‘What do you want?’ She asked more like begged.




So what's next??

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Writing books where he fell first and he fell harder also.