Chapter 76

As the newspaper hit the breakfast table, Smriti’s eyes fell on the front page, where an unsettling photograph stared back at her. It was a close-up of a couple with a kid and an elderly woman smiling together in front of camera along a lot of people with happy faces. But her eyes stuck at someone’s face, her features and eyes. Her coffee cup trembled in her hands as she glanced at the photo again, the haunting image of those eyes unsettling her to the core. It was the same eyes like hers. She tried to shake it off, but the face seemed to follow her. Smriti could almost hear the distant echo of a scream, a sound that seemed to come from the depths of her past. .


She screamed all of the sudden catching everyone’s attention. The maids came running and found Smriti in a panicked condition.

‘Call the doctor and also our Malik.’ The head maid cum Smriti’s all time attendant shouted. The females together took Smriti in her room.

‘What happened to her doctor? She was fine when I left now, she has high fever.’ Devraj asked.

‘It seems your wife got a panic attack. Maybe she saw or someone did something which triggered her.’ The doctor said.

Devraj nodded and the doctor left. He sat beside her and caressed her head. Truly he doesn’t feel much about Smriti. He genuinely never loved her. Maybe it was her body or so.

Maybe he did at some point of time. But was it her or someone else? He shook all the thoughts.

But he loved his blood, his son Akki. And only for him, he is concerned about Smriti.

‘Call the attendant.’ He barked.

‘So, you idiotic woman tell me what you were doing? That this happened?’

‘Sir I was with her only. She was having coffee. As usual the light was dim as she doesn’t like bright light and then…’ She was replying politely but got cut off.

‘Then what?’ He gritted his teeth.

‘She took the newspaper and read something from the first page. I remember it was a breaking news, yes it was picture of Abhimanyu Singh Raizada, and maybe his family.’

‘Who told her about that bastard?’ He shouted. Abhimanyu Singh Raizadas name made him furious.

‘Call everyone’ He said scaring the poor lady.

How did she get to know about our son’s brutal death There is someone who revealed it. Is it those Singh Raizadas work?

If it is I am gonna kill them all together.


As the train sped along the scenic route back to Shimla, the air inside was filled with chatter and laughter. Asha Ma sat comfortably with her family, her eyes twinkling as she watched the kids—Shreya, Neha, and Kavya—happily playing with the kids. These trio along with Siya once promised her they won’t leave her after becoming self-dependent. The café they opened was a good source of income along with the money Abhimanyu sends every month. Well, he sends it by Siya’s name. The rhythmic sound of the train moving over the tracks felt like a calming background to the joyous conversations around her.

‘Look, there’s a video on the internet.’ said Shreya excitedly, showing her phone to Asha Ma.

‘Oh, of course, there is! How could there not be?’ Neha added, laughing. “Our Siya babe is famous now! A trilinear!”

Asha Ma smiled at the mention of Siya. Her child had achieved something significant, and the whole family was bursting with pride.

‘This part of the train feels like it belongs to us. All the kids seem so happy.’ Neha continued, looking around. The seats were filled with family of Asha Ma and all the kids of Angel’s Home, their luggage neatly stacked in one corner. ‘Mira Aunty is so sweet, too. Those boxes of gifts she brought, they’re perfect—mostly essential items, but so thoughtful.’

Kavya, sitting next to her mother, chimed in. ‘You know, more than anything, they’re rich from the heart. Even Mrs. Abhay’s family is so humble. It’s so rare to find that these days.’

Neha glanced over to the window, nodding in agreement. ‘True, Kavya. That’s exactly it. And there’s an article about it already in the paper too!’

Shreya leaned in closer, excitedly pointing at the screen. ‘Asha Ma, you’re in the picture! Look, right there, next to Siya. Well only this one video and single picture is made public for their security.’

Asha Ma chuckled softly. ‘Yes, but you know the main focus is on Siya, her husband, and their little one.'

‘Well, it’s not every day that someone of us becomes a trilinear.’ Neha added with a wink.


A week later in Mumbai

Abhimanyu took Siya on a date in his own restaurant. Right now, Abhimanyu Singh Raizada’s hotel cum restaurant is all over the country. The business is growing very fast. By the end of this month Abhimanyu will be the Managing Director of Singh Raizadas.

They were in a private area and currently there is no one in the restaurant. He himself booked it completely. The table was adorned with a single candle and traditional brass plates filled with a vibrant Indian meal. There's a bowl of steaming butter chicken, fluffy naan bread, fragrant basmati rice, and a side of samosas. The air is rich with the aroma of spices—cumin, coriander, and cardamom—and a faint sound of soft Indian classical music plays in the background. The couple was laughing, enjoying the warmth of the moment, leaning slightly toward each other, their hands occasionally brushing as they share the food.

"Okay Ji, I have to admit... this is way better than I expected."

"Oh, really? What were you expecting?"

"Something good, but this? It's like magic. The spices, the texture... you really outdid yourself."

"Well, I had to make sure it was perfect for you."

"Not just the food—the whole place Ji. It's so welcoming, so... you. It feels like you're in every detail."

"That's probably the best compliment I could get. I wanted it to feel personal, like home."

"Well, mission accomplished. Here's to your magic—both in the kitchen and out."

They clink their glasses together, a soft connection, as the moment settles between them.

After enjoying the food, they moved towards the balcony. The city looked so scenic and beautiful to Siya and to Abhimanyu Siya seemed so ethereal in a simple salwar suit. Abhimanyu leaned in slowly, his eyes searching Siya’s. She closed her eyes, her lips parting slightly. Their lips met in a soft, lingering kiss, tender and unhurried. The world around them faded, leaving only the warmth and sweetness of the moment.

As their kiss deepened, the soft murmur of the restaurant’s ambiance seemed to dissolve into the background. Abhimanyu’s hand gently cupped Siya’s face, his thumb brushing lightly against her cheek.

Siya responded by sliding her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. The connection between them grew stronger with each passing second, their breaths mingling in a rhythmic dance. Her heart raced, each thud in sync with the gentle pressure of his lips on hers.

When they finally broke apart, both were breathless and smiling. Abhimanyu’s gaze remained locked with Siya’s, his eyes reflecting the warmth and adoration he felt. He reached for her hand, intertwining his fingers with hers on the table, a silent promise of the deepening their bond.

Siya’s smile widened, her eyes sparkling with affection. She gave his hand a gentle squeeze, her voice soft but full of emotion. ‘That was… perfect,’ she whispered, her words carrying the sincerity of the moment.

Abhimanyu’s smile grew, his eyes crinkling at the corners. ‘I couldn’t agree more.’ he said softly, his thumb brushing over the back of her hand.

They continued to share the quiet intimacy of the evening, their connection palpable in every touch and glance. The dim light of the restaurant created a cocoon around them, making the world outside seem distant and unimportant. For now, it was just the two of them, savouring the simple joy of being together.

‘May I have the pleasure to dance you with Mrs. Abhimanyu Singh Raizada?’

‘Well you may.’

The lights are dim, casting a soft glow around the room. The couple stands in the center of the space, surrounded by nothing but the sound of a slow, romantic melody. They’re close, her hands resting gently on his shoulders, his arms wrapped around her waist. The world outside fades as they sway together in perfect rhythm.

Siya: (softly, with a smile)

"I didn’t know I could dance like this."

Abhimanyu: (chuckling)

"Only with the right partner."

They move slowly, effortlessly, eyes locked, lost in the moment. No words are needed, just the quiet intimacy of their shared rhythm, a peaceful connection lingering in the stillness of the room.


Next Day,

Abhay removed his sunglasses and tucked them into his pocket.

Devraj sneered, his voice dripping with bitterness. “What? The great Abhay Singh Raizada gracing my office. How delightful.”

Abhay’s gaze remained steely. “I’m not here for you, Devraj. I’m here for your wife.”

Devraj’s face flushed with anger. “Never interfere in our matters.”

“Seems like we’re connected as enemies since the day you harmed my family. So let me be clear,” Abhay said, his tone cold and authoritative, “I am still the Don. I’m the one who controls the strings in this city.”

The room crackled with tension as Devraj clenched his fists, knowing the gravity of the threat. Abhay’s eyes locked onto Devraj’s, unyielding and fierce. “You planted a bomb in my house during the celebration. You crossed a line. And now, you should face the consequences.”

“I’m sparing you this time because of your wife,” Abhay said coldly. “But don’t think you’ll be this lucky every time. And as for the secrets about your son’s death— I didn’t send anyone to reveal them. Maybe your enemies did. So, for your own sake, stay the hell away. Or else you know my son well. Don’t you?’

As Abhay left Devraj broke things in his room, Abhay is always ahead of him. He thought he will set up a spy to get to know Abhay has done this but no, he didn’t. And also, he knows about the bomb and also about his plan to hire a spy on them. Things seemed messy both with underworld and business

‘If he didn’t do that. How come he knows that my wife got panic attack for this reason?’ He asked himself.

Abhay drove his car back to his mansion himself.

‘Your work is done there. Get back here. You aren’t safe there also did you get that what I asked for?’

‘Yes Boss.’ Came a female voice.

Returning back Abhay called his son ‘Meet me in my study after dinner.’


‘What is so urgent Bapi?’ Abhimanyu asked as they settled inside.

‘Akhilesh might be right. The girl he was searching might be her. The details he gave, the time, place, the name everything indicates that only.’ Abhay replied.

‘What?’ He never wanted this to be true, not in his nightmare. Why every time his loved one has to suffer again and again.

'Well it is. I am waiting for another thing.' He said thinking what would be the result.

'What Bapi? For what you are waiting?’

'Right now, I won’t tell you Champ. Your ma and I will take care of it. Your Ma has done her part of job and Siya is clueless but my work is still left. For now, I want you to hear this and be mentally prepared for the worst.’

He said handing him the speaker.

Rithvik’s meeting with Asha Ma. (Siya and her friends don’t know.)

See beta usually I used to remember everything about the kids of my orphanage. But now my age doesn’t permit me.

But as you said Abhay sent you here also it’s about my child who was special case. Why you will know now.

The day her mother left her here she said ‘Siya is a replica. She is the exact replica of her.’

But whose replica she mentioned I don’t understand.

Siya is her daughter but she told me she has no other way. If I don’t accept her, she would have to leave her on streets. Can you imagine a mother thinking to leave her young girl child on the streets. In spite of her having parents I have to take her here. She told me she has an elder brother maybe a father whom she never met.

Also, Siya was following her words like she knows her and trusts her. That lady was crying mess.

‘Champ just after Avu’s birthday I have sent Vinesh and Rithvik to get some information for me. Exactly how Siya ended up there. Does she have any contact for her family members and the same day Rithvik found someone else asking for it. And later I came to know Siya’s mother I mean that lady whom they met in Asha Ji’s place is Siya’s mother and she was asking for her whereabouts that too after so many years.’

‘It’s complicated Bapi. it’s getting more complicated. Who is that woman? If she is Siya’s mother then what about Akhilesh’s words?’

Abhimanyu felt like set fire on the whole city. He can feel there are so many people who has wronged his precious wife since her childhood.

‘For now, I want you to talk with Asha Ji personally. Siya shouldn’t know about it right. And by then I will take care of something important. Leave the matter of Akhilesh’s words on me. But for that mysterious woman Siara Mishra I need some more time.’ Abhay said getting up, which means the meeting is over.

Truly his father dropped bomb on him but he is Abhimanyu after all. And this Abhimanyu also knows how to come out of the Chakravyuha.



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Writing books where he fell first and he fell harder also.