Chapter 71

'I need a gangsta

To love me better.'

- Mrs. Mafia.


'YOU BLOODY AS*HOLE.' Abhimanyu roared in anger. All he could see is red and his woman in torn saree. She was crying under a abuser. He pulled the man by his hair who was hovering his wife.

And started beating him. He was thrashing him like a rag.

'You f**ker, you dare to you touch her.' He pushed his head on the mirror scattering into pieces. The man shrieked in pain.

'Abhimanyu leave him and see your wife.' The old lady yelled covering Siya with her Saree.

But like a raging bull he was hitting the man until he hold his legs.

'Abhimanyu!' The lady yelled again. But Abhimanyu didn't buzz. He kept kicking him on his stomach.

'Leave him Abhimanyu. He is bleeding.' She again yelled but Abhimanyu wasn't ready to leave him. She shouted again but this time she saw her younger son whom she called being forced.

'Sh*t.' The guy cursed before pulling Abhimanyu away otherwise he would have killed him. But Abhimanyu came out of his grip within a second.

'He is strong dammit.' He had to move back looking at his strength and rage.

'Call your bhaiya bhabi Arish. He won't listen.' She told him seeing Abhimanyu getting more violent.

He moved dialing their numbers. And luckily both of them arrived together.

'Abhimanyu leave him...' Mr. Ludra tried to pull him away.

'I will kill him . He touched my Wife.' Abhimanyu said kicking him on his face directly.

'Look at your wife. He will be yours to handle later.' Mr. Ludra and his brother both tried to pull him away.

'I will kill him right now.' Abhimanyu cared less pulling his hair, yanking him he bend down to his level.

'Never touch my woman.' He said, anger dripping from her voice.

His nose was bleeding, he was breathing unevenly.

'ABHIMANYU' it was Siya's weak voice which stopped him.

'Take me away please.' She said brokenly looking down. Then only he moved away and went to her. She was in a curled up position. He took off his blazer and wrapped around her.

'We are leaving.' He said picking her up.

'A doctor is here in our quaters. Let him check her.' Mrs. Ludra said.

'Take me away.' Siya whispered hiding her face.

'We need to move Mrs. Ludra.' Abhimanyu said.

'He shouldn't die Mr. Ludra '

'Well let us escort you outside.' The couple escorted them out from other exit.


'That guy has to ruin everything. Bloody backstabber.' Arish cursed as they returned back to the party. The old lady glanced at the man whom their gaurd was carrying. Rajpal was looking like a zombie with his battered body. 10 mins it was10 mins and Abhimanyu completely changed his body's geography.

'Penthouse.' Abhimanyu said settling Siya inside.

'I am so f**king sorry TweetyBird.' He knew his enemies will be there but their target will be Siya like this he didn't even imagine. They have always maintained basic etiquettes.

Siya remained silent letting him pull her over his lap like a kid.

Reaching the penthouse Siya clutched the blazer on herself. Abhimanyu picked her up and went inside their room.

'I am sorry TweetyBird. I am sorry that I left.' He said apologetically.

'I bath.. I take a bath.'

'Lemme see first. Did you get injured?' He tried to check her body.

'Please.' She murmured.

He had let her. Siya stood completely bare under shower taking everything off her body.

Abhimanyu removed his blazer and opened his shirt's button. He thought to change quickly knowing Siya usually takes time. He came after 15 mins back to their room only find it was empty.

'Tweetybird aren't you done?'

No answer. He again knocked on but no reply. He opened the door being impatient. What he saw made him feel disheartening. Siya's body was red due to harsh rubbing.

'What have you done TweetyBird?' He said snatching away the loofah from her and turning off the shower.

'He touched me. I am impure, dirty, please let me remove his touch.' Siya said yelling in a disabled condition.

'Calm down. You have been inside from last 30 minutes that too at night. Let's go out.'

'NO.' She said pushing him away.

Abhimanyu didn't say anything. He picked her up over his shoulder and took her out.

'Lemme remove his touch. I hate it, I feel dirty.' Her voice and words were telling she wasn't feeling anything right.

'SHH! Look into my eyes. Do you see disgust? No right.' He said wrapping her into a towel.

'You are brave, you fought with him. He didn't even do anything.' He wrapped her hair into another small hair towel. She was drenched in water.

She let him do whatever.

'He called me sl*t. I am a wh*re Ji. I am a damaged good.' She said when he was done with her.

'SIYA.' HIs ice cold voice made her lips trembling.

'You are MY WIFE, Daughter - in - law of Singh Raizdas.' He said caressing her head.

'Can you please touch me? His touch is still making feel like a filth. Please take those dirty touches away.' She said removing her towel.

F*k* It was so irresistible but he can't take advantage of the situation.

He wrapped the bath rob around her and picked her up. Taking her to the bed he moved to bring her clothes.

'You don't wanna touch me because I am dirty right. I was a prost..'

He was losing his patience.

'I touch you TweetyBird. I touched you and will touch you. I will touch whenever you want. But not now. You need cuddles, not sex.'

'I want it now. Let his touch go away. Only you can do that. I feel like I am dirty.'

'You aren't a thing Siya. Right now you aren't thinking rationally. You aren't dirty or anything.' His words were soft.

'Can we be one tonight? Make me forget that.' Her mind was still stuck at his dirty words. How he called her by names.

'We are already one Siya. The day I filled you hair partition with holy Sindoor, you heart, mind, soul and body became mine, and mine became yours.' He said sliding a gown into her body.

No matter what Abhimanyu couldn't take advantage of her vulnerability.

'Lay down and rest. Doctor will be here for you.' Abhimanyu kissed her forehead. He was there when doctor was checking her.

'The back injury is a bit deep. Be careful Mrs. Singh Raizada. And use it for your skin's redness. It will be soothing.' The doctor left checking her.

'Don't start whining TweetyBird. I have seen you multiple times.' He said making her pout. He softly applied the ointment on her injury and then the cream on her upper body.

'Please cook dinner for us.' He said via intercom.

He fed her like a kid. She was nagging as she wasn't really hungry. So he fed her a little.

'I have called Ma, you just rest.' He said laying down beside her.

'You know Ji, I am lucky. I am surely lucky to have you.' She said holding his face in her hands. Kissing his forehead she said ' I once read a poem by an author it's called Kiss the Stars, Kiss my Scars.'

'Acha so how was it?'

'It was good, but today you the poem has a beautiful meaning.' She pause and looked at his face,

'He meant by that poem is the idea of finding beauty, hope, or light in the midst of pain or difficult experiences. It means that someone has brought positivity, comfort, or healing to another person who has gone through struggles or emotional wounds. Stars are often associated with light, guidance, and hope, kissing stars and kissing scars means the person has loved the other person beyond the scars on her body and mind turning her pain into her strength.' She said looking into his deep blue eyes.

'It's a nice poem, but I haven't read it anywhere.' He said pulling her by her waist carefully. The way she was in pain when he was applying ointment on her back brought tears in his eyes. For him she was his proclaimed doll.

She just smiled at him. There isn't any poem like this, Siya told him exactly what he has done for her, his TweetyBird.

'But you know TweetyBird until you want to turn your flaws into your weapon, I wouldn't see that slap mark on his face.' He replied making her realize he understood what she wanted to convey.

'And with your every flaws I will love you.' He said pecking on her lips.

They cuddled for sometime before sleeping. Abhimanyu had texted his father who was already informed about the incident. Abhay handled the matter in the house and in the media. Siya didn't want to bother her mother who was busy with her daughter already. So except Abhay nobody got to know anything.


Later at night

'There is a new problem in Italy.' It was Rithvik on the other end.

'Is it related to Daniel's step brother?' Abhimanyu asked.

'Yes. He has great influence there.'


'He has called for a Mafia meeting whose agenda is against you Boss. Mostly mafias of Italy, America, Canada and India will be there.' Rithvik replied.

'Devraj will be there?' Abhimanyu asked.

'Yes and that Nanda was supposed to be there.'

'But he won't be able. I just got a call of him being hospitalized.' Abhimanyu told.


'Did you do that?' Abhimanyu asked.

'Yes Boss, I have changed Madam's every single details between that time. But it seems few people got to know about it.'

'Who are they?'

'Till now it was Daniel, that step brother of his and few of his known mafia's.'

'Well except rumor, they won't have any proof. But be careful because Nanda knew about it. It means they might have some old proof. Delete them also.'

'Does it mean it's you who made him hospitalized?' Rithvik now understood.

'He touched MY WIFE. If needed delete their memory those who knows about it.' He said in his icy cold voice. He still can't forget how he found his wife few hours ago, completely traumatized.

'Copy Boss.'

'And one thing Rithvik turn the world upside down. And make sure no one gets to call my wife by names. And Devraj, he is becoming a part of my rivalry day by day. But i can't finish him. I need the truth Rithvk. If you can't, let me know. I will find the truth of Akhilesh's every words.' Abhimanyu was dam serious.

'No Boss. I found a lead but it is a bit complicated.'

'You need money? Take it from Rohan.'

'No Boss, the person who is the lead is the problem. Arrangement is needed.'

'What is it?'

'We need a child caretaker for Angel's Home.' Rithvik's words made Abhimanyu realized maybe Akhilesh was right.

And if he is right his wife and child aren't target but a part of dirty games.



Guys it's chapter 150. Can you imagine we came this far. Enjoy!! Thanks for your love and support. Follow me on insta : @meghashapui2000

Next part will be completely on past. Upcoming next 3 chapters will be different be careful while reading it. Maybe you can solve the mystery before our Gangster does. What say?

Sneak Peak of next chapter..

'She is pregnant.' The doctor dropped the bomb on her.

But they remained silent. After the doctor left she slapped on his face anger. But next second she was in pain. Yanking her hand behind her back he gritted his teeth 'I am doing that for you. I have no interest in her. Her child will be the owner that what the will says. No get lost for one year until she delivers. I need that child to handover me everything. And then I will kick them out and my Akki will be the sole heir of it.'

'But that baby is yours also. How can you kick her/him out?'

'Well it's her fault that it's in her womb not yours.'


Next part will be after 21st June. I HAVE IMPORTANT WORKS.

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Writing books where he fell first and he fell harder also.