Chapter 62

Her friends: How is he?

Her: Just like Moon!

"দেখিতে সোনার নাগর গো

চান্দেরও সমান।"

(O, my charming lover, you look, as lovely as the moon.)


'I won't say forget everything kyuki (because) it's not possible. But start living in present Siya. God has given you a new life.'

'I know Kavu. That's why I accepted his flaws just like he accepted my tainted body.'

'Siya yaar please don't say like this.' Neha said hitting her head lightly.

'Yes I should stop chanting about my past. Tell me how is the cafe going?' She asked wiping her years.

'Yes cafe is fine.. shit yaar!' Shreya said and made a face.

'Now what happened Drama Queen?' Neha raised an eyebrow.

'Girls we forgot to call Asha Ma.' She said and they realised.

'Call her right now Siya. Here is the number.'


'Don't cry Asha Ma, it was me who was a fool. In search of family, love from a partner, I get myself ruined.'

They were over the call. The old lady was a crying mess after seeing Siya almost years later.

'No don't think about those horrible things. I am happy so happy that I can die in peace.'

'Shut up!' Four of them shouted in chorus.

'Siya baccha I heard that your husband is. you know what I want to say...' Well during the call she told about her new family while her friends told her

'Asha Ma your little most naive child now Mafia Queen.'

'Yes Asha Ma he is currently head of Indian underworld and I can't help with it but only my faith knows he is a good man.' She said with a smile on her face. No can like no can change the fact her husband was an amazing human being.

'What do you mean?' She asked but surprisingly. After all the Siya she knew always hated this mafia people and their business.

'You remember in Shimla there was kidnapping case of a young boy which became a breaking news.'

'Yes he was son of Chitti's (her daughter's name is Chitti) neighbour's son.'

'I met him and his family few days back . You know that woman she was almost 20 years elder than him touched well tried to touch his feet. The reason is Abhimanyu's men found the truck in which the boy was being transported to another city. Either he would became a s*x worker in some bad place or they would take out his organs to sell. Abhimanyu has no connection but he knew about the truck so he rescued that boy Tarush alone with others and sent them back to houses.They came to my late grand in law's death anniversary and there I saw them and heard their conversation. I know my husband is a killer maybe more than that but I trust him Asha Ma. He is my saviour.' Siya's words were full of pride. Yes she was proud of her man, her husband.


Dinner time..

'Aunty you cooked these many things?' well the food which was served looked and tasted delicious.

'No no I just instructed my workers, they mostly did the work.' Mrinal replied.

'Still you shouldn't. You could have let us help.' Neha said.

'No you are our daughter's friends. We can't let you.' Well it was Abhay. Looking at his face they could never know he was a Mafia, well he is. He looked just a gentleman, perfect son, dotting husband and the best father - in - law.

'So you are staying for weeks. Bring all your bags from hotel. Siya you ask any of drivers to take them and bring them back okay?' Abhay said and Siya nodded 'Yes Dad.'

After dinner, Mrinal took them to their room which was guest room.

'Please be comfortable and feel like home. Good night.'

'Good night Aunty.'

The trio was very tired. Early morning when they just reached Mumbai, they were literally scared. Well both Delhi and Mumbai were scary for them. They lived their whole life in small calm city of Shimla after all. They started to search for her when Abhimanyu's PI Rithvik found them on streets and informed him. Well even though Abhimanyu asked his men to search for them in Shimla, coincidentally they were found here. Apart from journey they were tired due to less sleep. So as their body felt on bed they slept.

Siya dialled Abhimanyu's number knowing it was morning there and thanked him.

'Just a thank, I deserve some kissies.' He and his demands.

'You will get that once you are here.'

'Nah! I will eat your those plumpy lips and suck your soft pinky ni*ples.' He said smirking at her innocent face.

'You are getting more shameless day by day.'

'Only for you my TweetyBird. Also you taste like some sweet cotton candy.' He said licking his lips. She couldn't help but blush in shyness.

'Now lemme see my babygirl.' He said.

As they ended the call after talking for an hour, Siya cuddled with her little baby. She was very active for the whole day as she played with her Masis (aunts). Siya was both tired and content. Finally she was reunited with her family, a part of her which she thought that she has lost. Even when her husband was here he made sure that she gets to meet her friends as soon as possible.

At late night

Abhimanyu reached home when Siya was in deep slumber. The gate was opened by the guard. He had dinner in the flight so he directly went to his room. Reaching the room he dumped his things and took a warm shower. He was dead tired and he needed sleep. His private jet landed early welk because he left early. There was no point of deal when the person was killed by himself. Slipping inside the duvet he found his two babies sleeping. He hugged them both and slept.

'My cuties. I love you.' He mumbled softly.


In Singhania mansion..

Devraj was looking at his wife who almost killed herself. Her head was bandaged. She was unconscious due to excess bleeding.

On the other hand Smriti's subconscious was stuck in past.


'Di please I don't want anything. Please tell him not to force me for this. I am innocent. I never looked at any man except him. Please tell him na. I am holding your legs.' The girl was crying mess after hearing what her husband wants her to do.

'Siu bacha, he won't listen. If he had listen to me you wouldn't have been in this place.' Well her words twisted but the girl was too naive.

'But he loves you.' She said feeling sad.

Hearing her innocent words her blood boiled. She felt like strangle her to death.

'No he doesn't. You listen to me for once. You trust me right. Just do the DNA test. If the baby is his, why are you scared?'

'But why I need to prove it Di. For god's sake I was caged in this house for a year. How could he call me characterless? How could he? When he was the one he ...' She cried out.

Smriti felt bad for her younger sister but she won't let it go easily this time. She now has a great opportunity to get her Devraj back and she will do it. She felt irritated with her crying but she called her softly and cosoled her broken self.

'Don't cry. We need to show your husband that you are the one who is faithful in this relationship not him. Come one baby sister do it. Do it for your unborn child.'

After a lot failed attempts she was able to make her ready.

Now as she is ready for the paternity test, she just needs one thing and that is bribing the doctor and her work will be done.



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Writing books where he fell first and he fell harder also.