Chapter 57

Siya opened the door as she heard Abhimanyu’s car leaving the Singh Raizada premises. She was a complete mess. Elders felt bad specially Abhimanyu’s grandparents. Everyone knows how critical the situation was. Arti recalled her daughter’s teary face after knowing Abhay’s mafia business when Siya came towards them. She looked exactly like her young Mira, crying and complaining.

She sat near her leg on the carpet and looked at her face ‘Didun he isn’t a ma.fia right?’

Arti took a deep breath and replied with eyes. She can't lie to her child, she would never.

‘He is a lair a bloo..’ She mumbled to herself and started walking when Suhani puller her back.

Siya I might be rude to you and you can hate me forever. But for my bestfriend’s sake I need to put some sense in your brain. He isn’t what you think about mafia business is. To do good you need to fight with evil and he does evil business to deal with the evils. But didn’t our Durga Ma kill the demon Mahisasur, so killing people who actually harms innocent makes him the most innocent and gem of a person. Ask your Ma, you trust her so much haina?

It took sometime for Siya to make through her words, she smiled ‘You know Suhani Di what we fear will always seeks us. I can’t be with him.’

She walked away and locked the door. She thought to have food with them. But not anymore.

Abhay’s sharpe mind was thinking about something else.

What does she fear? She fears mafia. If it was her past related to her trafficking or something else.

‘Abhi you call Mannu and tell him we are not sticking to his plan; we need to save his marriage first. I can’t let her feel unwanted.’ Abhay patted her head and told her to go with Siya.

He smiled, Mrinal chose her daughter –in – law over her son.

Mrinal went inside the nursery room and called Siya ‘Baccha you will slowly understand things and we won’t force you to listen to us. Just be patient and let your husband proof himself.’ She said taking her hand inside hers but little did she knew the damage was done.

The mafia business wasn’t her fear; it was her never healing scar.


Abhimanyu entered inside his office expecting a huge commotion but got nothing. The office was quite with employees working on their own. He truned

'There is a change in plan Mannu.' Mridul said from other side.

Why Mamu ? It is enough of him and also I would love to see once he gets to know about

We can't let that Singhania know our moves Mannu. Just find that girl any how. Make her spill out truth. Abhay said

‘We can find her. Check cctv footages Bapi I will inform Rithvik… His words paused when he saw a call from unknown number, he rejected that call and continued.

Let's stick to your Ma's idea find her first. We can find her and others and make them spill the truth. Don't waste much time on your enemy Mannu, your wife is more important.

Abhimanyu felt a urge to break everything in his office everytime that man is getting away after harming him and his family.

After Mrinal left Siya ran to the bathroom. She can’t bear anymore her Abhi ji is really... she couldn’t utter it on her face anymore. She cried her heart out as she couldn't cry in front of Mrinal. Mrinal was awake whole night and most importantly she felt a little betrayed. Coming out of the bathroom she locked the room properly and changed the cloth. Feeding her baby she ate some biscuits but she didn't feel good. She didn't know what to do. Staying with Abhimanyu was impossible but leaving the rest of the family was worst. But for her daughter's safety she had to. But where will she go? She has no one in this city.

Picking up her phone she dialled the number hoping the person still uses this number. And luckily the phone was received.


'See Mannu we all decided this. And it's for everyone's betterment.' Vishal also supported the idea.

Abhimanyu hummed in yes and left for the Singh Raizada mansion. As the elders sat back in the lavish hall room of the mansion, Mrinal went to kitchen along with

She told herself she was preparing for her daughter and granddaughter.

Rohan was with Rithvik to get the information about the girl as the CCTV footage was very easy to get. But no trace or lead was found.

Abhimanyu was also trying to remember if he saw her before or not cause she might be one of his enemies who was used against him by Devraj but no he couldn't remember. Once again there was call from a unknown number. He cut the call as his personal investigator Rithvik asked him not to pick up any unknown call. As this was a morphed they can try other cyber crime.


Siya didn't know if she did right or wrong. She crossed the bus stop by walking. In hurry she didn't take anything expect the damn phone. It was already noon post lunch time. And she knew they must be looking for her in the whole city or maybe whole country.

She wiped the sweat beads from her daughter's face as she crunched her nose. Her princess daughter who was very little to understand anything, could realize and didn't like the weather which is extremely hot.

'Layla will be here soon.' She told to herself sitting on the bench.

She kept waiting for Layla when a car stopped in front of her. She got up as she saw Layla coming out of the car. She hurriedly went to her.

'What happened Siya you fine? Why are you so tensed and what are you doing here with her?' Ever since Layla talked with her she knew her friend was in trouble. But trouble in paradise?

'I can't tell everything to you right now. First can you give me shelter? My baby..' She choked on her words. She was scared from her core. How could she tell this mafia business was the reason of her ill fated life. And how can she will not knowing anything surely. Her past is mysterious to her also. What an irony of fate!

Soon they started the journey making Siya relieved. But her relief was short-lived.

Siya was stunned to see Layla brought her back to Singh Raizadas.

'Layla you told me you live in outskirts of Mumbai. Then..' She asked being anxious and confused.

' I told you na I will take you in the most safe place.' She said. Hearing her Siya tried to open the car door. She was desperate enough to jump out of the running car.

‘Why Layla? Why did you..?’ Before she could not complete her sentence Mrinal slapped her hard across her face.

‘One messes with Singh Raizadas. You shouldn’t have run with Avu. She is my granddaughter. I dare you Siya, a scratch on her I will forget you are my daughter.'

Siya fell on her knees 'Let me go. Let us go please.' Her cries were so withering it was painful to hear especially for the old couples Abhimanyu's all grandparents.

'You won't go anywhere TweetyBird. Sit here and watch the truth.' Abhimanyu's voice scared the hell out of her. His few words were enough to make her obey.

‘You are blindly believing a roadside prost*tue over your husband. See these.' Layla said bitterly. Aroni was signalled by Amrita to help Siya settle down. She looked so bad, tensed.

The video clearly showed that girl confessed her crime. Even accepted that she did this type of things before hand. She said it was someone who was Abhimanyu's rival from mafia world who did this to break Abhimanyu mentally.

As the video ended Mihir was the first one to speak. He was just like most of the eldest brother, calm and composed.

'Siya before you decide something I would tell you few things. This mafia business or stuff whatever it is, it wasn't chosen by Mannu or Abhay. It's their birth right. we aren't anything like them even we hated specially Mihir hated Abhay as Mrinal's husband. But as Suhani said they are worst only to keep bad ones in control. And before you think it is all made or fake, the girl sitting in front of you, your friend Layla was the one who helped us. She identified this disgusting woman and rest you saw. Yes Siya we didn't contact her, she was the one who contacted us after you decided to runaway specially with Singh Raizadas heir.'

Siya didn't know what to say. She just listened. Layla was someone whom she trusted but what do to with her past. Hearing all these she felt one one thing should she let her mysterious past effect her whole existence.

Siya you trusted me with your unborn child, will you trust me this time? See thing can be overwhelming for us. But think once the one who saved, saved us will ever do something nasty like this. You don't know, if I don't tell you now you will never know. The girls who were with us that day are now in heaven. From that hell to making their own heaven. Your husband is such a man that he would help the whole world but never show it off. What this man did for us was something our loved once never did. And you got this man as your beloved one. I don't what your decision would be. For proof you can meet everyone.' Layla said with a heavy heart. Abhimanyu SIngh Raizada was her god. well their god.


Even though things got settled outside, the atmosphere inside their bedroom was different. Siya changed into her regular outfit. She didn't know how to forgive herself. The way everyone consoled her, fed her with love made her hate herself. Especially Mrinal, she literally fed her with her own hands. The smile on their face was aching her. Mrinal even said sorry for slapping her.

'The slap was needed Ma. When we do wrong our parents make us realize. You two are my parents.' Siya hugged them as they hugged her back. Siya was their son's soulmate and they would always treat her like a baby girl.

Siya was waiting for Abhimanyu but he wasn't showing up. Sitting aimlessly she remembered their evening encounter.

**Abhimanyu literally called doctor to check Avishikta. According to him exposure to heat might effect his baby's health. And it was partially true as it cause discomfort while she was out in the noon. But Siya deep down felt little Avu could feel she was going away from her King father.

As the doctor asked to give her some extra care due to her premature birth Abhimanyu's facial expression changed. The doctor left mentioning to use some cooling lotion on her body after sponge bathing her as the heat caused her redness and irritation.

Abhimanyu was the one who did everything single handily making her more guilty.

'I am sorry Ji..' Her words got stuck as Abhimanyu pinned her harshly on the wall. Siya was seeing the different side of him.

'I dare you Siya, Once again I dare you to do anything that can be harmful for you and our baby. I love you Siya but remember who I am. I will always treat you like my Queen but you, yourself won’t be allowed disrespect or harm yourself. And remember even though I didn't get you pregnant, Avishikta is my daughter. Now be a good girl and get freshen up. All are waiting for us.'

‘Why did you scare her Mannu then in the drawing hall? She might hate you.' Mrinal said softly.

‘Let her Ma, she took my daughter away. I will turn her hate into love.' Abhimanyu replied with confidence. She was relieved that she didn't saw them right now, He was literally all over, his body pressed over her. They were very close and her mafia husband was way to intimidating. **

When he entered Siya felt more uneasy, she was scarred but she needed ask forgiveness. But what about their relationship which was stake. Abhimanyu's face wasn't brighten just like every time. He went to bathroom and then coming out he kissed his baby's face. And then got up to take pillows. Siya understood he was going to sleep on couch just like their earlier times. But she won't delay this time.

Abhimanyu ignored her when she called him ' Will talk tomorrow.'

'Never sleep without ending your fight.' It was an age old tip.

'I am sorry Ji, I know you don't want to talk but I am sorry.'

Siya fall on her knees and then did something unexpected. She hold Abhimanyu's leg making him pull her up.

'TweetyBird shh!!' How come he tell her he can't tears in his woman's eyes.

'I am sorry to scare you.' He said instead.

She looked at him with her eyes shining, is he for real?

'You accepted my tainted body, but I , chi I didn't support you but even I ran away with Avu. I am messed up I know but please forgive me.' She said cupping his face. She felt him wiping her tears away and kissing her forehead. 'I forgive you, now don't cry.' His words seemed so genuine that she asked herself.

Think once Siya. If it was in you in Abhi ji's place he would have turn the world upside down but you didn’t. You couldn’t even trust him.

'Don't think I am just saying it, I mean it. Also I shouldn't snap at you. No matter what Ma and Bapi taught me love conquers all and I don't care what it costs you will be mine and I will yours forever. And Avu is my princess TweetBird.' And here comes his all possessive avatar for his girls. Siya nodded in yes taking a mental note, hell break she and Avu will be always Abhimanyu Singh Raizadas.

'So you are an innocent mafia Ji.' Siya said laying her head on his lap.

'Not so innocent when it comes for my enemy.' He declared. Now once she know his underworld identity, he would be truthful about her work.



Done and dusted. Be ready for some romance. I want then close together do you also?

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- Author Hiya, love you all.

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Writing books where he fell first and he fell harder also.