Chapter 52

Few months later

Siya was in hurry it was almost Abhimanyu’s time to come back. Last night he didn’t comeback well that’s what happeneing from last one week. One thing the whole mansion is sure that Abhimanyu is frustrated about his work. Late night secrect meetings of Abhimanyu with his 3 commands are not a secrect to their women. It was almost a week he has been reaching home late. As a result, Siya knew Abhimanyu will be home soon. She just fed her daughter and Devika took her with herself. Arti was in phone call with Mrinal in the grand hall room of the mansion. Nowadays Mrinal is also busy with her artworks and exhibition. But it didn’t effect their family that much Abhay being a multitasker took care of every individual.

‘Ofho he is here.’ Siya mentally scolded herself for being late to get ready as she already heard his car’s sound`. She was running to get her cloths from the closet ‘Who made this big closet? All credits to my richie rich husband!!’

Siya hurriedly took out her inner garments then took out her kurti and patiala pants.

‘Come on hurry up Siya!!’ She told herself to get ready as fast as possible. Before she could take off her towel the door was opened. She was only in towel when Abhimanyu entered in the room. Siya's cheeks became beetroot red, her eyes widened. Siya didn’t scream instead she tried to hide herself by sitting down behind the bed. Abhimanyu closed the door by kicking with his one leg.

‘TweetyBird get up and get ready. I will be in the bathroom.’ He said taking of his shirt. Siya pouted with a thought should she run back to the closet!!

Throwing the shirt on the chair he sat on his armchair. ‘TweetyBird you will catch cold if you sit behind the bed in this towel with your clothes in hand.’ Siya became dumbfounded.

How can he see me? She asked herself. Abhimanyu smiled looking at her face which looked too cute.

‘TweetyBird I can see you through the mirror.’ He said not wanting to embrass her more. Siya slowly got up with her cloths piled up in her hand and the towel tightly pressed on her chest. She gave him a faint smile whereas Abhimanyu scanned her from head to toe.

‘Sexy’ A single word from him made her more red. She glared at him as she felt his hot gaze all over herself. Abhimanyu winked at her.

‘Hurry up TweetyBird or else I might end up taking this white towel from you.’ He said making her ran away towards the closet.

‘Why he has to be so intimidating?’ She asked herself as she still could feel his gaze.

She put on her clothes then came out but didn’t find Abhimanyu in the room. Hearing the sound of shower, she understood he must be taking bath. She went to his side of closet and took out his clothes, put it on the bed. Then she went down and found Mrinal and Abhay talking with each other.

‘Goodnoon Ma and Dad.’ Siya said greeting them.

‘Come here sweetpea.’ Abhay asked her to sit with them.

'Dad can we go out for some picnic or dinner tomorrow?' Siya asked sitting in between her parents. Abhay smiled at her. He knew his daughter wanted to go out along with others. His son and wife’s work stress literally affected her. Also she didn’t get a chance to go out except exhibition.

Hearing her Mrinal showed but Abhay mouthed a sorry. Then he said 'Yes we can but would you mind to wait for a week actually your Ma and I want to rest. You know due to our age we need more rest.’

Siya found it a little weird as Abhay always competes with Abhimanyu in everything whenever Mrinal pulls his leg by calling him old man or grandpa.

Still she smiled and said yes, then she got up and went to kitchen

‘Why did you lie to her old grandpa?’ Mrinal asked raising a eyebrow. Abhay ran his hand on her hair as he moved near her.

‘What can this old grandpa do when all the members are at risk? Even you aren’t allowed to go out you know that na Baby?’ He said softly.

Mrinal nodded her head but she was bound with her work and with risk she was going out. Cause Devraj was constantly targeting Singh Raizadas.

‘Let your son settle the things. Also we still have a penalty.’ Abhay said wrapping his arms around her. Mrinal smiled affectionately not knowing what penalty Abhay was talking about.

Once an Angel, always an Angel.

Soon Siya came and settled the dinner table. Mrinal called down everyone while Abhay started serving food and water for everyone. Since from last one-week whole family did’t have any quality time they started serving each other and enjoy the dinner.

Siya served some more jeera rice on Abhimayu’s plate alone with aloor dom. Abhimanyu didn’t say no as he was hungry. But before he could start eating after serving he got a call. It was from none other than Rohan. He got up and left saying ‘It’s urgent.’

It was not for the first time Abhimanyu left the table while all having dinner as serious issuses do need much more attention.

‘She got her senses back and luckily she wasn’t raped.’ A lone tear escaped from his eyes. He prayed for days only to hear this.

‘Don’t cry Abhi, you won. You saved her whose mother killed your son. Your humanity won. ’ Rohan’s words were like bitter truth.

Abhimanyu chuckled ‘It was us Rohan, our faith won.’

Hanging up the call he went back to dinning table. His face was completely different which was noticed by Abhay.

His son might be a DEVIL but from his heart he is a soft person and why?

Because he is son of both Devil and Angel. His brain might work like Devil but he has a heart of Angel.

A week ago when Abhimanyu was too busy in his work. He kept ignoring calls from his businessworld and looked like completely lost. Abhay was not unaware of the situation. He saw how gloomy his son was even though he tried more than his best

'Bapi I won't be able to forgive myself after our son's..'

'Shh..' Abhay stopped him. Hugging him he consoled him like his childhood.

‘You will win Champ, this time the father inside you will not let that monster win.’ Abhay taught his son to never give up.

Going back to the room Abhay had to share things with Mrinal but not every single details. Tears in Abhimanyu Singh Raizada’s eyes are very rare. Because no matter what a mother can feel her child’s distress. And I front of his wife’s child like constant interrogation he has to give in. On the other hand, Siya was waiting in her room for Abhimanyu. Her eyes were slightly closed. He came back from his study with headache but didn’t want to disturb Siya. So he himself took out the medicine from cabinet. He took the medicine and gulped it with a glass of waiter. Then he went to the bed taking his baby girl in his arms. Her innocent face always calms him down.

‘I will always protect you.’ With that he kissed her forehead. He softly laid on the bed along with her. Due to movement of Avishikta, Siya got up.

‘Oh you came back.' With that Siya tried to get up.

‘Shh! Lay down TweetyBird.’ He said puling her back on the bed.

‘No wait.’ She said in a hushed voice. Slowly she got up and went to his side of bed.

‘Move back.’ She said in also in a hushed tone. Abhimanyu didn’t oppose. Siya sat behind him and started messaging his neck and shoulder.

‘Don't be so stressed. You will get the deal. Even if you don’t get the deal, we are rich enough.’ She said like a mother motivates his little child. Poor woman didn’t know what her husband actually does except business. Abhimanyu closed his eyes feeling relaxed. Her soft hands knew magic. Even though Abhimanyu was frustrated as hell he wanted to make it upto her as he didn’t give her enough time for the whole week. But his hands were tied, he has bound by responsibilities more like by his oaths. Devraj was literally disturbing his business. All the weapons he took away from his enemies were again snatched from him by Devraj's men. It was an open battle now.

But what he did at the end was the last straw for Abhimanyu.

The day Abhimanyu rescued her and as a result he sent him a gift. It was nothing but his beloved son being tortured video.

With a note 'it’s payback time.’ his technical team sent that video. He wanted to do more than that but his father asked him to wait but now they were tensed about something else.

That day when he came back he knew his friend is also tensed. They both might have bought flowers but their whole body was aching like someone has wounded their hearts.

The cries and screams of that little girl who was none other than their old house help Geeta’s daughter.

Yes, Devraj found their address and abducted her from her school to scare Abhimanyu, to blackmail him. And cherry on the top his men abused her. They beat her with belt and stick until Abhimanyu rescued her. Geeta in shame couldn’t inform Abhimanyu until Rakesh found out. Abhimanyu asked him to keep track of them for their security and his sixth sense was perfectly right. But even after rescuing her last week he wasn’t sure if he really could save that little girl who loves him a lot. Looking at her broken state they feared the worst specially Abhay, he didn’t want someone else to be sacrificed for them especially a girl child’s life and dignity.

That night Siya was busy helping Mrinal with her set up. As from next day her exhibition will be started.

As usual Mrinal was being nervous and all and Siya has to pamper her like a baby along wth Devika.

Before sleeping Siya told him to come visit the grand opening of his mother’s exhibition, for which he couldn’t contribute anything for all the chaos.

He nodded in yes like a child and let the sleep engulfed his tired body.


As soon as he came back to dinner table he gave a small smile to everyone then resumed his eating. Except Devika and Vishal everyone got reliefed as the duo were unaware of the situation.

Looking at his face the trio understood the tension from Abhimanyu’s head is gone finally.

Later at night Abhimanyu was in his study. After Abhay left with great relief of the news of Geeta’s daugher’s recovery Abhimanyu got a call from Akhil one of his PIs.

'Sir I have a good news for you.'

‘Yes speak but keep it short.’ He replied taking off his specs which he needs for his paper work or reading.

Three of them now live together. They have moved out of Angel's Home but they do have connection. Also they are still in Shimla near Mall road and.’ he paused for a second.

‘And what Akhil?’ He asked.

‘They are still searching for Ma'am like mad people. Nobody could help them at first and then I found out that the local police station had connection with the guy Vicky who is now in your dungeon.

Abhimanyu smiled knowing they are still concern about their long lost friend.

Also Sir the owner of the orphanage also tried along with her family to find out Ma'am but they were also unsuccessful. And another news Sir they must be coming to Mumbai soon.’

Abhimanyu raised his eyebrow ‘Why so?’

‘Actually they recently contacted a local underworld don for you he is a local goon in front of you told them that Vicky is not what he showed and also they might have got to know about Ma'am's trafficking to Mumbai so they are coming to Mumbai as their last string of hope.

Sir should we contact them?’

‘I will contact then personally. You keep track on then.

‘Okay sir, good night. And hope ypu got the news.’ Even Akhil knew what was going on his Boss’s head.

‘Yes Akhil and also good night.’

He smiled, he got two good news in one day.

When Abhimanyu came back from his study Siya was combing her hair. She was startled when Abhiamnyu picked her up and laid her on the bed as she was done braiding her hair.

‘Don’t run in towel after shower you will catch cold.’ Abhimanyu said making her pout in anger as he took her n his embrace.

Siya felt a little shy feeling their close proximity. She was about to move back both due to shyness and anger when she remembered Mrinal’s words when Siya shared their issues with her.

‘Have enough courage to trust love one more time and always one more time.’

Instead moving back, she replied ‘You like to see me in towel.’

Abhimanyu internally smirked seeing her trying to be bold ‘But I would love you without that towel.’

His words made her crimson red, she punched him on his chest ‘You are a tease.’

‘And you love me teasing you that’s why you run in room in towel right.’ He said making her angrier.

‘Baat hi nhi karnimereko apse.’ She said turning to ther side. (I don’t want to talk with you.)

‘Par mujhe toh karni hai.’ He said pulling her over him (But I want to talk.) with that he started to tickle her making her giggle aloud.


Before sleeping Abhimanyu turned off the music which Siya played an hour ago. She loves listeing to music which she recently told him. Indeed, she is opening her heart slowly.

Hum tum kitne paas hai kitne door hai chand sitaare

Sach poocho toh mann ko jhoothe lagte hai yeh saare

We're so close to each other but the moon and the stars are far from us

To tell you the truth they all look fake to me

This was song which was playing in their old vintage gramophone which Abhimanyu switched off when the song was ended. Looking at her glowing figure under the moonlight he asked himself.

Is it the beginning of their love?

Well it has already begun.



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Writing books where he fell first and he fell harder also.