Chapter 50

Under the soft fleshes of my body there is a wounded heart

I wish I could heal it….

- The Tainted Soul


Warning: Chapter contains highly abusive content !

I remember that destructive day as it's engraved my soul, my body. It was almost a year of our so called relationship, in this whole one year he won my heart. He was successful to pretend as a kind human being. He showed his most fake caring side. Slowly he made mu friends his sisters. Even Aunty appreciated him and the kids of our orphanage used to call him Jiju (Brother – in – law).

My friend Kavya who was with me from day one literally did her mini investigation before accepting him as my boyfriend. And finally after my B. Tech we decided to get settled but when he said opposing his parents as he wanted me to complete my MBA. His fake parents supported him.

As I mentioned before he never initiated any kind of romantic approach towards and the reason was not definitely he was a gentleman but it was their policy of their dirty deals.

It was next day after his birthday. As usual I was going out with him for dinner as it was Sunday. I was waiting for him in his villa. In this birthday party he proposed me in front of his parents, my family (Asha Ma. my friends and few kids of her orphanage). I said yes to him as I was on the top of the world. That whole night I couldn’t sleep in happiness and so did my friends. Ever since we met he started donating money, a lot of money, it was all his investment to get more money in future. I was waiting for him in his hall room, it was 7 pm only when a bunch of goons barged inside with a girl who was unconscious I must say under the influence of drug. That night might be worst night of my life but trust me I was happy for one reason because that night my friends would have been with me if not Asha Ma stopped them saying let the couple enjoy few hours together and gave warning to Siya to reach hostel by 10 pm at night.

Flashback in Author’s POV

Siya got up from the sofa as soon as she saw 5 men who were not looking someone sane entered inside the villa. Except her and that monster no was there in the house as he decided a candle night dinner in his house only.

‘Who are you? And what.. , I mean who is she? Where are you taking her??.’ Siya almost yelled at them.

‘F**k that b*tch is here.’ One of them muttered under his breathe looking at her. But Siya heard him. Their eyes were also red as they were also drunk. They didn’t know what to answer but they knew Siya definitely as they shared a look and started to move towards a room when Siya shouted ‘Gaurds!!’, especially looking at the unconscious girl whom they were carrying like a rag.

Hearing her shouting they became alert and not understanding what to reply when a guard came in for their rescue not hers.

‘Ma'am they are my son and his friends and she.. she is my niece who was drunk and unconscious in a bar kinda restro left by her friends so I asked them to bring her home.’

The words didn’t convience her so she called for him who came and played his character very well. He saw them for upstairs as he was coming down hearing Siya’s voice and stopped in middle to make up some plan.

‘Siya what happened? Oh my god Nihu sister!! She is again drunk?’ He behaved like he is very much concern like some elder brothers.

‘Ashu bro you go with your friends and put her on the bed. And Uncle what are you doing here go and call Aunty from the kitchen. Tell her no need to cook, first handle this silly girl and Siya give me five minutes I am calling a doctor for her.’ His words seemed to be genuine that Siya didn’t know how to react except nodding in yes. While those goons took the girl away he shared a look with the guard.

Before following those boys, the guard said sorry to Siya and bowed down.

As they all left Siya sat on the sofa again and then thought to go and check on the girl. But then she felt they might feel uncomfortable as the situation is pretty awkward. She then sat there waiting for her boyfriend.

On the other hand, he barged inside a store room while the others followed him.


‘Why the f**k you all are here? And this wh*re what is she doing here? Do you have any idea if Siya gets the slightest suspension of all these we can loss four girls?’ He was fuming in anger He was about to get exposed in front of Siya.

‘Brother this b*tch escaped form the warehouse. Aunty called us and told us to find her. And this sl*t literally has the guts to go and complain against us. It was our good luck and we stopped her but those leeches (police) were behind us and hence to save ourselves we entered your villa.’ One of them explained the situation.

‘Fine give her some injection and call that fake doctor so that Siya doesn’t get any suspension.’ He said and went out.

As he moved one of them picked the girl and laid her on the rag and asked the person beside him ' We can't tell him that we don't have any injection with us.' They didn't want to anger their boss anymore.

'Wait I think boss has some midazolam injection in the stock and I might know the place. Wait for me, I am coming.’ He said and went towards another room. Those two sat on the small old boxes which were there scattered on the floor.

She looked towards those men and cried out pain. Even though she faked it but her condition was no better.

‘Pl..eas..e wa..terr.. water.. waa.t..errr..’

The two guys looked at each other and then rubbed their foreheads. For them this girl was pain in their a*s. And why because she was trying her best to save herself. But now she is ruined.

‘I think she needs water, otherwise if she dies then you know Aunt better.’ One of them said. The other one nodded and left saying he will come soon. The guy who left alone looked at the withering figure wrapped in a dress, luckily she was in a proper dress otherwise it would be impossible to convince someone with lies. But he feels no pain seeing her in pain, pain of shame, pain of her body. In their dirty business they only see money. So he looked away from her tear stained face knowing what happened to her actually.

On the other hand, Siya’s boyfriend told that guard to call the brothel and move out the girl as soon as possible. Not only the guard but his wife was also involved in this business. Then he left the place and came back to Siya.


Siya was amazed finding the dress she wanted to buy during 2nd year of her college. Even though her friends knew about it but couldn’t afford it.

Siya hugged him in happiness.

‘How did you know?’ She asked.

‘I know every single details about you, everything Siya darling. Now my highness you go and change I will be outside okay.’ Siya nodded and went to washroom after he left. Her heart was already thumping inside her ribcage it always does. She already saw a glimpse of the decoration in the roof by her peek a boo.

‘God everything is soo perfect.’ She told herself and changed into her new dress. More than his birthday celebration it was a date for them. Coming out of

He gritted his teeth seeing the caller id. It was none other than the owner of the brothel from where the girl named Niharika (fake name) ran away.

He didn’t want to pick up the call but he had to. He sighed before accepting the call knowing she will start her rant as usual.

‘Aunt …’

On the other hand, Siya took a selfie and sent it to her friends. She sat on the chair to fix her hair. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. She got up and opened it knowing . She has already changed into that beautiful long skirt and top.

With a big smile on her face she said 'God V it's so pretty, you know you are the best.'

She said with out knowing who was in front of her.

' He.. he.. is a monster.. he will sell you also.' The painful female voice made her look at her face and she gasped in horror. She looked a soulless body.

'Niharika sister you okay?' She asked in panic. The girl don't look normal not even high like she is drunk. Yes it was Niharika who took the chance bite the one goon and ran away locking the store room. It wasn't difficult for her to find the room where Siya was present she knew every single corner of the villa.

'No .. I am not. And I wo..n't be no.w you listen to me.' She said and entered the room , locking the door she started what she wanted to.

‘Go a..way jus.t go a,way. They. are monsters. he sells girls for money. He.. he trapped me like yo..u , you are .. his … new gi.rlfriend r.ight. You m..ust be h.i.s n..ew.girl..friendd. na, that's wh..at h.e does. A.nd most .. i mportantly you are an orphan right...' with that she told a story of few months ago which was similar to her lovestory. Siya was in tears she doesn't know what to do, the gentleman she loved was like no was a rapist. She was too overwhelmed and don't know what to believe.

'Just go.. away sister. Just go , and.. sa.ve yoursel..f... or els .ee .......' She was about tell her more when suddenly V barged inside the room. And within second yanked the girl and shouted ' You f*cking wh*re, b*tch Ana, you dared to do this, I will sell you in foreign wh*rehouse and the make sure you get f*cked in every hour every day by multiple men.' In anger and rage he didn't notice Siya who became statue seeing the monster inside her gentle boyfriend. The girl Ana couldn't speak due to unbearable pain on her head. Siya gasped and fell on the floor and that's when V noticed her.

He cursed under his breathe and went to Siya to control the situation throwing the girl Ana.

'Siya sweetheart she is lying, I love you.' With that he tried to hold her hand, but she moved back on the sitting condition. No matter how much she loved her V, the truth , the pain she saw in Ana's eye made her to believe her pain. The marks Ana showed her while telling her story scared her soul.

She didn't react to his words instead she got up and tried to run away but there was no way out now.

She cried out in pain when he twisted my hand and next second she saw the monster hidden in him. He dragged her inside a dark room , just like his soul. And gave her injection.


When she woke up she was tied with bed.

‘You are awake finally. Now as you came to know everything, I don't need to explain anymore. ’ His sick voice was so disgusting, she can't feel that he was the same person, whom she loved with her everything.

'Leave me please . Please V, don't do this to me. Please V have mercy please, I beg you .' She requested.

' I can't , I have to send you to the place where you should be.' With that he tore her top apart.

' No no please ..' Siya cried out trying to hide herself but her hands were tied she could only ask for mercy.

' Aunt always ask for virgin girls and that's why I didn't rape that girl Ana at first. But she forced me to do as a punishment but you my darling I really wanted to have you and that's why I wanted to marry you, then enjoy your goddess like body and then sell you . Tonight I will have you.' With that he tore her skirt apart. Siya screamed in horror when she felt her pride being snatched by a monster. She kept crying ,screaming , thrashing her hands to save herself but the Angel was fallen.

When he was completed Siya couldn't feel anything, no pain no hatred, she was numb.

'So be prepared Siya sweetheart. Don't start your crocodile tears. You know there is no way. You gotta be where I want to.'

She loved him but not anymore.


Siya's POV

I blinked my eyes not understanding how to react.

' Now as you can understand I will send you to some brothel. So don't make fuzz over it. That bitch Ana told you everything, she was just like you an orphan.' His voice was only vetting out pure venom. He then told her how he trapped her in his fake love and it was always easy to trap girls her who don't have their parents.'

He killed my soul Ji.

My cries were music to him.

He stabbed me with his words by calling me a orphan, a wh*re, a sl*t, a plaything and what not. I cried and only cried with my hands tied to bedpost. He kept torturing me, continuously giving me pain. He kept raping me for the whole night. He said if I don't agree by myself he will make a wh*re first then he will sell me to different men every night.

I was completely na*ed under the bedsheets for 10 days. He enjoyed my body, my pain for 10 days continuous. I was there listening to him saying lies to my friends specially to my aunt saying I left his house 10 days ago. He even his me in his basement when my friends came to him crying to search for me . I cried to myself for those days.

That 10 days were hell for me, for every woman who were tortured like me. The finally that day came when he took me to that brothel and again I was forced by someone unknown.



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Writing books where he fell first and he fell harder also.