Chapter 44

Early in the morning Siya woke up. Even though she slept well last night in her husband arms. She was half asleep when Abhimanyu took her out from the theatre room. He wished his parents good night and Siya also mumbled in a half sleepy condition said ‘Good night Ma and Papa.'

Abhay and Mrinal smiled at her cuteness and pinched on her nose.

‘Such a sweetheart.' Abhay patted her head.

Getting inside the room Abhimanyu laid her on the bed and went towards the other side of the bed. Then he slept hugging his wife and his baby girl who was sleeping in between them.

He kissed on her foreheads respectively and said ‘Good night my angels.'

The next day when she woke up, she didn't have black bags under her eyes. She slept well last night but her mind which was in illusion of peace actually not in peace.

She kissed on her baby's forehead and then slowly kissed on his husband's cheeks.

Her cheeks turned red remembering how he pinned her down yesterday. She could feel him almost smashing his lips with hers but he controlled himself.

He always maintained a distance between themselves making her feel safe and comfortable around him.

She then tip-toed to the bathroom and took a long bath. Then she came down and found to workers talking with each other.

‘So your mind is at peace na?' The elderly worker asked.

‘Yes Aunty, Mira Bhabi was right. Only the almighty can show us the right path and prayer can be the only way. Also my inner turmoil is gone.' The lady replied and they kept doing on the dusting of the Hall room.

‘I heard that the temple is ver close to our mansion.' The elderly lady said.

‘Yes Aunty, actually I went there before with Mira Bhabi only. She used to go and do puja there.'

Hearing their words something clicked inside Siya's mind.

Ma was telling the same thing on that day. Only our prayers can help us when our inner peace is lost.

But I stopped praying for myself long ago. She reminded herself.

It's not only about you. It's between your Ji and you, don't be selfish anymore.

Playing with her

She forwarded her legs towards them.

‘Indu Didi which temple you went? Can you take me there?' Siya asked the lady worker while descending from the stairs.

‘Areeh Siya Babyji, good morning. I went to nearby Shiv Temple.' She said after greeting her.

‘Haan good morning Didi. Can you take me there?' Siya asked.

‘Yes I can take you also, it's Monday, very auspicious day for the puja of Shivji. (lord Shiva)' The worker said with a smile.

‘Then I will get ready and then will go with you.' Siya said.

‘Babyji it's only 6 am in the morning. You are already looking pretty in the saree. Let others get up then Sir will take you.' The elderly lady smartly replied knowing their Bosses won't like to take Siya outside the mansion without their permissions.

‘Oh okay. Actually I am here to make breakfast for everyone. After cooking I will go and ask Ma.' Siya was and left wishing them good morning. They two smiled at her sweetness and started their work. After half and an hour, she was completed with her cooking. All the workers of the kitchen were standing outside because Siya forbade them. The workers weren't ready to let her work alone but Siya shooed them out ‘Stand outside and keep an eye on me as your Mannu Baba said.'

She actually mocked them with her innocent words making them chuckle.

She thought to settle everything on the table then changed her mind as she looked at the watch. It was 7.30 am only and they have breakfasts at 9 am usually.

She was going upstairs when Mrinal came down. After greeting each other Mrinal asked ‘Today's food must be super delicious hmm, the smell is awesome. I think someone is happy and so is her grumpy husband.'

Mrinal pinched on her nose making her smile shyly. Everyone could feel the happiness inside her, she was chripping like a happy little birdu. Her smile was enough for Mrinal to understand that the matter between them is solved but not completely as Siya already told her she can't tell him what he was asking to know.

‘Ma can you take me somewhere?' Siya asked softly as they settled on the sofa.

‘Yes tell me where you want to go. Also we need to shop for you and Avu.' Mrinal replied.

‘No Ma we both have enough. I am saying if you can take me to the nearby Shiv Mandir the one where you used to visit.' Siya said.

Mrinal didn't question her for the reason. Instead said ‘Okay let's go next week.'

She knew how reluctant Siya was on her early days for Puja, she lost her faith on God after all. But today she herself decided to go.

‘No Ma let's go today. The conflict in my mind is not letting me breathe in peace Ma. I need to clear my all confusions.'

‘Okay get ready we will go now. I am going to arrange everything for Puja.' Mrinal said as they got up.

‘Ok I will be back within 10 mins then we will go. Actually we need to be back before breakfast.'

‘Yes otherwise our husbands will not eat after all. Come down at 8, no ned to hurry' Mrinal said and they left.

Mrinal did all the arrangements needed with the help of workers. Siya came back changing her saree takinga round of bath. She pumped some milk for her baby and left a sweet note.

'I am out with Ma. Will be back before breakfast, get ready and feed you Pari (Angel)."

At 8 am Mrinal and Siya left in their car. Mrinal also left a note for Abhay and also informed their gaurds to follow them. The journey was of nearly 12 minnutes as they went by car also the road was less crowded near the temple which was unexpected. Generally, a lot of people come this temple for doing puja as they have faith in their heart.

Mrinal thought for a second and late it go as they have guards with them.

Over the phone call

‘Sir I saw the woman in the car going towards the Shiv Temple along with another girl.'

‘Are they away from the house? Don't do anything near the mansion.'

‘Yes Sir actually as you said to vacate the place nearby the temple so we did and we are here to guard her. And now just we saw then in the car going towards the same temple.'

'Fine do what we have told you and be careful. That little boy is very cunning.'

Cutting the call Devraj smiled cruelly Abhimanyu Singh Raizada now it's time for the real game. You took my son I wil take care of your wife and mother royally.

Mrinal and Siya reached the temple. A worker followed them alone with guards but didn't know what was waiting for them.

Entering inside the temple Siya felt something different, the temple was giving her all the spiritual peace her soul needed. She held Mrinal's hand and they walked upwards climbing the stairs. They both joined their hands and sat on the floor in front of Shiva Linga.

‘Tell your problem to the Almighty. He will surely help.' The priest told to the person who was sitting on the floor. Her face was hung down as tears were flowing from her eyes.

‘I want nothing but my son to come back.' She said in a broken voice.

Hearing her painful Mrinal looked at her face. She looked like a lost mother mourning for her son.

‘Have faith on Shivji. He never let any innocent to be harmed.' Mrinal said consoling her.

The lady nodded her head and kept sitting on the floor as she was still praying and sharing her pain with God.

Only she knew her prayers won't be heard as her son is not innocent after all still she prayed. Another priest took the thali from Siya.

‘Beti (child) inte din baad?' (after so many days) The priest said to Mrinal as he knew her from years. Mrinal in her early days used to come here on everty Shiv Ratri at first alone and then with Abhay.

‘Yes Panditji, life was messed up but God saved us at last.' Mrinal said with her smile.

‘Your daughter is also here. Come beti (child).' The old man said looking at Siya.

Siya smiled at her and they sit on the floor just beside the lady who was praying in front of Shivji joining her hands.

The priest chanted the holy mantras and Mrinal and Siya closed their eyes promuocing the same.

‘Offer this milk to him along with water.' He said indicating the kalash of brass filled with milk to offer lord Shiva.

Both Mrinal and SIya offered milk, water, flowers and belpatte (bael leaves).

‘Tell your pain, your wish to him. He would show the right path.' Priest said completing their Puja.

‘I want nothing for myself just keep all of them save and my Avu. Also give me strength to tell him the truth.' Siya said closing her eyes.

Mrinal was also praying for her family and specially for her granddaughter and daughter – in – law. They were busy in their prayings when 20 armed people entered inside the temple.

And in no time two of them yanked Siya and Mrinal who sitting oon floor with their closed eyes.

‘Ahh!!' Both of them shrieked in pain.

The priests looked at them in horror.

‘Hey what are you doing?' They protested but the men held guns on their head.

‘Leave them, I said leave all of them.' The figure stood up and roared who was sitting with her head hung low till now.

‘It's Sir order, Madam.' One of them replied. Hearing both the voice Siya's heart sunk into her stomach. She felt horrible. She knows both the person's voice as she never can't forget them. Her mind stopped working for the time being.

‘What's order and why?' She asked in furious voice. She came here to get some peace but her husband has to do his cruel interference here also.

‘They are here for Puja only. Leave them.' She said.

‘Choriye hume (leave us).' Mrinal said trying to come out of their grip ‘Aftab, Suraj, …' She called for all the guards but nobody came.

‘They won't come, our men outside already killed them.' The man said once again.

‘You ba*tard why the hell did you do that?' The lady held his collar and shouted on his face.

‘Madam, Sir ordered us also they are Singh Raizadas who have our young master.' Another man said in a polite tone. Hearing their voice Mrinal understood they were Devraaj's men.

Smriti left his collar and said ‘Leave them they don't my son. Lemme call your sir.' She said taking out her phone but another man snatched it. In anger Smriti slapped hard on his face.

‘Gimme my phone back or else.'

‘Sorry but if you don't listen to us Madam we have to kill this old hag.' He said pointing his gum to the two priests.

‘No no.' She shouted and the mean dragged Mrinal and Siya outside. Mrinal was shouting and yelling at them.

‘Leave us you morons.' She kept fighting to come out of their grip but couldn't. Whereas Siya was shivering in fear. Two of her nightmares are back, standing infront of her to ruin her again.

They dragged them out of the temple not caring about their pain. Mrinal's eyes teared up seeing her son like gaurds dead on the stairs of the temple.

Smriti tried to run outside but her husband's men were still holding guns on the priests' heads. She fell down as she heard the sound of car's engine.

The moment those cars left, the remaining men moved away from their position.

‘Come Madam if you are done with Puja or we can wait.' The politeness in their voice was burning her.

Why did I even come for? She cried in her mind and apologised to the priests and left.

I need to inform Singh Raizadas. With that thought she left the temple in a broken state not knowing she missed to notice the person whom she craved to see from 17 years.



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Writing books where he fell first and he fell harder also.