Chapter 41

‘Siya Rudy will annoy you both. Let him stay with us.’ Jiya said as Siya went to ask for permission to take Rudra with them. Previous times when they went out Rudra had schools so Siya couldn’t take him with them.

‘No Boudibhai he is such a good boy also the sister and brother duo are inseparable. I want to take him with us, give me permission.’ She demanded for permission. Jiya wanted to let Rudy go but knowing about the surprise Abhimanyu planned for Siya she wanted to have them some quality time alone.

Also she knew if she says no to Rudy, he will deny Siya politely. But Siya was not ready to agree with her.

‘No Siya sometimes he is very naughty. Do one thing take him with guys next time.’ Jiya said smilingly.

‘Fine you won’t agree na, I will go to Dadabhai and umm show him my puppy eyes.’ Siya said huffing angrily.

Jiya chuckled at her angry pout as she bade bye and went towards the drawing room.

‘Siya listen na babe.’ Jiya went behind her but Siya ran like a kid.

On her way Siya found Aditya coming towards their room looking at his tab.

‘Dadabhai I need your permission.’ She sad standing in front of him with a pout and hands on her waist.

‘For what Siya?’ Aditya asked putting his hand on his shoulder just like he used to do with

‘For taking Rudra out with us tonight. We will be back soon.’ She said fiddling with her fingers.

‘Aree he is your son also. Take him with you, no need to ask permission for that.’ He tapping her cheeks lovingly.

‘Thank youuu Dadabhai.’ Siya hugged Aditya and ran towards the drawing room to inform Rudra and get him ready.

Jiya slapped on her own head as her plan was back fired. She laughed looking at her happy retreating figure.

‘You look prettiest when you laugh.’ Aditya said as he held her hand and took her inside their room.

‘And you do stupid things Bhaiya.’ Jiya said pulling his leg by calling him Bhaiya.

‘Fairy don’t call me Bhaiya.’ Aditya showed his puppy eyes. He still hates the fact that Jiya used to call him Bhaiya in their childhood. Even in their earlier days after marriage Jiya used to piss him off calling him Bhaiya.

‘Hehe Okie Bhaiya.’ Jiya said winking at him making him irritated.

‘I am not your Bhaiya.’ He said being annoyed. How would it sound if a wife calls her husband Bhaiya!! (brother)

‘Bhaiya!! Bhaiya!!’ Jiya said as Aditya started chasing him ‘Let me get a hold of you, fairy.’

The couple ran around the room, Aditya chasing his fairy until he caught her and pinned her softly on the bed.

‘Fairy is being naughty nowadays.’ Aditya said caressing her cheeks.

‘You love naughty me on bed Bhaiya.’ Bold Jiya was back. Aditya laughed at her words, he actually loves all her version.

They laid on the bed sometimes, Aditya softly kissed on her lips caressing her hair. Jiya kissed him back with same passion making him proud of his teaching.


‘Take care of your sister and stay with her always.’ Jiya said to her obedient son who nodded on yes.

‘Sorry Mannu, I forgot about your surprise.’ Aditya said scratching his neck.

‘Dabhai don’t say sorry. Rudy is my son also. Not only Siya but I also wanted to take him.’ He said holding Rudra’s hand as 4 of them moved out. It was true Abhimanyu wanted to take Rudra with them. Since childhood his uncles and aunts always took him out, it was already in their family. They treat their brother or sister’s son as their own, never differentiate between them.

‘Enjoy Mannu.’ Jiya said pulling him with herself. Abhimanyu kissed back of her hands saying thank you as she was the one who gave him the idea for today.

‘Say bye bye to all.’ Siya said holding Avishikta’s little hand making her bid then good bye as she moved her fingers and made small fist to bid them.

After a jpurney of an hour they reached the mansion, Mrinal Mansion.

‘The mansion is like heaven Ji.’ Siya said being amazed with the complete white mansion in the heart of Kolkata.

‘Come TweetyBird.’ Abhimanyu gave Rudy’s hand in Siya’s hand taking Avishikta in his arms. They walked inside the mansion as all the members gathered at the door to welcome them.

As Mrinal get to know about their staying in Mrinal Mansion, she immediately called the head worker Mrs. Chhetri to perform the best welcome for Siya in her absence.

‘Mam walk over this white cloth.’ Mrs. Chhetri asked Siya as she dipped her legs in alta. She walked inside holding Rudy’s hand as Abhimanyu walked beside her.

‘Welcome Home’ Mrs. Chhetri said as all the workers bowed at them. Siya smiled at them as they congratulated the couple. Mr. and Mrs. Chhetri were mainly in charge of the mansion. Abhimanyu introduced Siya with them and others. A worker took the white cloth carefully to keep it save forever in the house. They also greeted Rudra who greeted them back. They know the eldest grandson of Chattejees very well. Some of the male workers were in his and his brother’s cricket team during vacations.

Then their attention went to their little baby. They were pleased to see their junior masters newlywed life and parenthood. They all immediately fell in love with little Avu. Even though they got news about her birth but it was first time they were seeing her.

'She us just like Mira ma'am, an angel.' A worker said praising little Avishikta.

'What's her name?' Mrs. Chhetri asked Siya.

'She is Avishikta Abhimnayu Singh Raizada.' Siya replied kissing on her forehead.

'May I hold her Bhaiyu?' The teenager daughter of Mrs. Chhetri asked looking at her the little girl wearing a pink dress in her mother's arms.

' Yes you can but be careful.' Siya said giving her daughter to her.

'May I hold her Bhaiyu?' The teenager daughter of Mrs. Chhetri asked looking at her the little girl wearing a pink dress in her mother's arms.

' Yes you can but be careful.' Siya said giving her daughter to her.


Mrs. Chhetri then took them to the temple of the house.

‘Mira Boudi (sister) told me to take you both inside the temple to take blessings.’ She said with her jolly smile.

Abhimanyu held Siya’s hand with Avishikta in his arms and SIya held Rudy’s hand as they entered inside the temple. Joining their hands to take blessings of god.

Coming out of the temple Mrs. Chhetri took them to the lavish drawing hall. Siya expected the drawing hall to be the lavish one, it was completely posh but the most attractive part of the hall was Mrinal’s abstract paintings. Her eyes could capture every essence of her paintings.

‘Rudra come let me take you and your sister to your beautiful nursery.’ Anushree, another lady worker approached. Rudra looked at Siya and asked for her permission.

Siya nodded in yes and Rudy got up from the couch. Anushree pushed Avu’s stroller ahead and Rudra walked with his sister.

All the workers were praising their young mistress in each other’s ears. They arranged snacks for the trio. They were happy to see their boss after many days. The mansion remains empty.

Even though Abhay always said Chatterjee family to use the mansion but except for twice in a month nobody comes here, which was the time of their family get together.

Rudra’s snacks was served in his room, he sat beside his sister and ate slowly. Two lady workers were already appointed for them , also a baby monitor was installed inside the room.

Siya and Abhimanyu had snacks together. Abhimanyu fed her with care and love. Then they moved to different parts of the mansion, the most attractive part of the mansion was the libraries. It was three different libraries, belonging to Mrinal, Abhay and Abhimanyu.

The garden was also pretty; it was specially taken care by the gardeners.

Abhimanyu showed her few parts of the mansion as it was to big too be completely visited within one day.


A grand dinner was arranged by the worker of the mansion. Abhimanyu himself served her and Rudra. Siya was feeding Rudra with her own hands.

‘Rudy baby say aa.’ Siya said which he obeyed.

Abhimanyu was holding his baby in one hand and eating with another hand. The doctor still didn't recommend to use chair for sitting.

The workers offered to hold the baby but Abhimanyu preferred to hold her.

‘The food was amazing aunty.’ Siya said as the food was totally amazing.

In night Rudra slept on his bed and his sister slept in her cot kept beside his bed in their room. Siya checked on them before she went inside her room.

Both of her kids looked like some angels, Rudra’s hand was holding Avishikta’s little fingers in his sleep. She softly kissed on their foreheads.

Siya’s eyes shined in a mixture of pain and happiness.

Her daughter is definitely going to get all the love she couldn’t get.

Love of a mother

Care of a brother


Blessings of a father


Siya looked at the cute Pyjamas, it was a cute white comfy pyjamas with a small print of TweetyBird on it. SIya giggled to herself.

He is so cute. Siya mumbled to herself before putting the pyjamas on. Coming back to bed she told Abhimanyu ‘Ji thank you it’s so pretty.’

But to her surprise Abhimanyu wasn’t there. She thought maybe he is balcony attending a call as it was just few minutes left for midnight.

She sat on the bed and then only she found a small card, ‘Come to the terrace, TweetyBird.’ was written on it.

She didn’t waste her time and went upstairs. As soon she reached the terrace her eyes were stuck at its beauty.

'You did all these?' Siya asked with her mouth wide open.

'Yes TweetyBird.’ Saying that Abhimanyu picked her up in baby style. Siya wrapped her hands around his neck and legs around his waist.

The large open roof Mrinal Mansion was beautifully decorated with flowers and fairy lights.

The purple pyjamas was making her no less than an Angel, The Devil's Angel.

Abhimanyu wore his pyjamas matching with her.

He made her sit on the floral mattress and then sat beside her.

‘Did you like it?’ He asked taking her soft hands in between his hands.

‘I am in love with all these. It looks like some place in heaven.’ Siya said giggling, it definitely looked like some heaven with all fairy lights and DIY candles.

‘You are looking so pretty.’ Abhimanyu complemented her kissing her cheeks. She thanked him and then said ‘Umm you look handsome Ji.’

‘Aww!!’ Abhimanyu said pulling her on his lap. And then they did their favourite thing which was star gazing.


‘Will you dance with me TweetyBird?' Abhimanyu asked Siya who was sitting completely leaning on him.

‘Ji mujhe dance toh karna hai par mujhe pata nehi Ji kaise umm couple dance karte hai.’ Siya said with her cute pout. (I want to dance but umm I don’t know how to do couple dance.)

‘Will you dance if I teach you?’ Abhimanyu asked putting his chin on her shoulder.

‘Ji’ She replied in her sweet voice.


Siya put her one hand on Abhimanyu’s shoulder as he instructed him. Abhimanyu didn't waste any time and pulled her in his arms.

His fingers brushed on her smooth cheek making her shiver and butterflies in her tummy. Then he softly placed his hand on her back.

Their body moved together in a sync. Siya leaned her head on his broad chest listening to his heartbeat.

Shining in the

shade in sun like

A pearl upon the ocean

Come and heal me,

girl heal me

Thinking about the love

We making and

The life we sharing

Come and feel me,

girl feel me

'You look so ethereal TweetyBird.' Abhimanyu kissed on her temple as their body moved together with the music. The moon and the stars witnessed the couple getting lost in each other’s eyes. The spark of their hearts was brighter than their

Siya’s throbbing heart didn’t go back to the day because Abhimanyu Singh Raizada was slowly making place in her heart. Without his knowledge, he was making her all fear go away.


‘So tell me madam which flavour ice - cream rolls. I will prepare for you.’ Abhimanyu asked.

Siya couldn’t help but to pinch Abhimanyu’s cheeks as he looked so cute wearing his chef cap.

‘So it’s a date Ji.’ Siya said making Abhimanyu nod.

‘It’s a midnight ice – cream date.’ Abhimanyu said pinching her nose.

‘That too in cute pyjamas.’ She gave her pearl like smile and then continued ‘I want to have umm blueberry ice – cream roll.’

‘Gimme 5 minutes Ma’am.’ Abhimanyu said bowing his head in front of her. SIya sat on the nearby high chair dangling her legs observing how her “Master Chef” husband preparing ice – cream rolls for her.

Abhimanyu poured the flavoured milk-based liquid onto the ice pan, a freezing-cold stainless steel surface that was chilled by a refrigeration unit, where it was chopped and manipulated until the liquid becomes a cream. Then he added the fresh blue berries and the mixture was chopped and probed until a creamy texture had formed. Then he spread mixture in a thin layer across the pan, then starting on one side he rolled the ice cream or gelato into its cylinder shape with the use of a spatula. Then he placed the rolls in an ice cream cup and decorated with Hersey’s chocolate syrup and some blue berries and sprinklers.

‘Here you go ma’am.’ Abhimanyu said bowing his head like a professional.

Siya took the cup in her hands and in no second she dug in like a kid.

When she was finished she looked at up and found Abhimanyu looking at her like she is some ice – cream.

‘I am not ice – cream Mr. Singh Raizada.’ Siya said and Abhimanyu’s mind went back to the day 16 years ago.

‘Yes you are, you are mine.’ Abhimanyu said before licking the ice – cream from corner of her lips making her stand still due to their closeness, her cheeks turned more red than beetroot but in her mind she found the words said by Abhimanyu must be heard by her in past but couldn’t remember when.



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Writing books where he fell first and he fell harder also.