Chapter 40

3 days later

Siya was playing with Avishikta in the drawing room. Three oldest couples were with them only looking at the baby and her mother with adoration. There were her toys which Abhimanyu bought for her. Siya was making feel them by giving them.

She put her favourite TweetyBird plushie just few steps away from her so that she tries to reach it or kick it out.

‘Go on Avu Baby and get it.’ The old couples encouraged the little baby who slowly approached the plushie and touched with her legs.

‘Yayy!! My princess did it.’ Abhimanyu said cradled his baby with the plushie in her babyish grip.

‘Yes our princess did it.’ Sneha giggled in her old sweet voice making Avishikta gave her best toothless smile.

‘I am bringing your food Ji.’ Siya said getting up floor. Usually in these time Siya plays with her baby, puts on a show, teaches her numbers and words as elders suggested. The little girl is really smart; she learns very fast. Today Abhimanyu didn’t have breakfast or lunch with his family, there were two reasons and both the reasons was unknown his wife. His innocent little wife knows that her husband is working hard even after coming for a vacation.

Her innocent mind believed that he had to changed his shirt because he accidentally spoiled his shirt with his black coffee.

She hurriedly ran towards the kitchen to make a plate for Abhimanyu.

Priyanka laughed at her and shouted from behind ‘Douras na Siya.’ (Don’t run) making her shouted back with a small okay.

Last 3 days were totally fun for them. Siya got totally blended with them in these few days. They cooked together, enjoyed homemade Fuchka (a type of snack that originates from India, and is one of the most common street foods there), playing indoor games like Ludo, Carrom etc. Mrinal and Devika were really happy about it as they came to know about her happy moments with Chatterjee family from Arti and Jiya.

‘Mannu kaaj hoiche toh?’ Amrita asked raising his eye – brow giving him a cute wink. (Work is done?)

‘Yes Didun sob done. I hope she will like it.’ The last sentence he said whispering in their ears not letting Siya hear that.

‘She will love it Mannu.’ Anuj replied patting his back.

‘Prepare her favourite fried ice – cream and ice – cream rolls okay.’ Arti replied in a hushed tone.

‘Yes yes I will prepare all her favourites.’ Abhimanyu said sitting beside his eldest granny with his baby daughter in his arms.

‘Give her to me and go to the dining table.’ Amrita said taking Avishikta in her arms.

Abhimanyu got up and heard Siya calling him ‘Ji come na.’

‘Go fast Mannu, bechari nijeo thik khete parini tomay chara.’ (Poor girl couldn’t eat properly without you.) Jiya said.

Abhimanyu nodded and went to the dining room. She was standing beside a chair making a plate for Abhimanyu.

Abhimanyu sat on the chair and pulled Siya on his lap.

‘Ah! (gasping) Ji leave me na. Someone may come and see us like this.’ Siya pouted cutely only to make Abhimanyu’s grip tighten around her.

He put his chin on her shoulder and replied in his so called innocent voice ‘Like what TweetyBird?’

Sometimes Siya deeply thinks if this man with this innocent voice is the same man whom she met at the br*thel with a gun on her owner’s head.

‘Umm like this, me on your lap.’ Siya replied with her tinted cheeks as Abhimanyu drew circle on her tummy over her kurti.

‘So what? They know you are my baby and baby on sit on my lap.’ He said holding her tightly.

‘Haww!! No ji, how can you like this? I feel shy Ji.’ Siya said tried to get up but couldn’t win with his strength.

‘Don’t feel shy my TweetyBird. Nobody will come here. Sit on my and feed me.’ Abhimanyu demanded and Siya nodded softly praying mentally so that none see them like this.

‘Stop murmuring TweetyBird and feed me. See your husband is hungry.’ Here goes the mafia with his all his childishness.

‘Oh sorry ji. Say aa.’ Siya said making him go all aww at her. He opened his mouth and Siya fed her.

‘You know Ji, you should take some rest. Last night you were in the balcony, talking about business.’ Siya said holding the glass in front of his mouth. He took few sips of water and then said ‘You should tell me when I disturb your sleep TweetyBird. I am sorry but it was important.’

‘Ofho Ji, don’t say sorry. You work so hard for us.’ She said in a soft voice. Only if she knew her husband was planning for someone’s murder which he himself did.

‘TweetyBird bring a bowl of dry fruits and a bowl of yogurt in the room.’ Abhimanyu said taking his plate from the table to put it in the sink and clean his face.

Siya went to the kitchen, washed her hands and went to the room informing Jiya.

‘Go Mannu take some rest.’ Jiya said giving Avishikta in his arms who was giggling like a flower she is. Avu leanined on her father’s shoulder as Abhimanyu hold her protectively.

‘Let’s go to the room Babyy!!!’ Abhimanyu rocked her and went to their bedroom.


Siya pulled down the curtains as she already came to know his likes and dislikes. He prefers his room dark, cozy and with less light generally.

Abhimanyu sat on bed with his baby on the bed. As usual Abhimanyu laid her in the middle of the table.

‘Ji here is your favourite dry fruits and yogurt.’ She handed it over him. Abhimanyu kept the tray on the night stand and took the plate of dry fruits ‘Finish it sweetheart.’

‘Par mai kiu?’ (Why me?) Siya asked wiggling her eyebrows.

‘Because you didn’t have proper food in the lunch.’ He said.

‘I wasn’t hungry.’ She lied. She couldn’t eat because she is now completely used to eat with him after he serves her.

‘I understand TweetyBird. That’s why I asked you bring this light food. You need to eat healthy and more. You are becoming thinner day by day.’ Abhimanyu said caressing her hair.

‘Oh acha. I will be careful from next time. But I am not hungry now Ji.’ She said pouting at him, slowly getting up from bed to put everything back in the fridge.

‘You want me to feed to you sitting on my lap?’ He husked in her ears pulling her completely over his lap.

‘No thanks Ji. I am eating see.’ She started eating making him chuckle.

‘Then complete it like a good girl you are.’ He back hugged her and she slowly stuffed her mouth with

He laid beside her when she was done with little Avishikta between them.

‘You know we have a mansion here in Kolkata, Bapi made it for Ma. I will take you and Avu there in the evening.’

‘Aww!! That’s so lovely of Papa. He loves Ma so much.’ Siya said with her shining eyes. It was completely true as Abhay was Mrinal’s love sick puppy.

‘Yes TweetyBird.’ Abhimanyu said tugging few strands of her hair behind her right ear.

‘Take a nap, then get ready.’


In Mumbai

In Diamond Plaza Mall owned by Singh Raizadas

Suhani was sitting with Barsha in a coffee shop outlet just out of the Time Zone. Today was Viraj and Devansh’s last exam. So the mothers took them out.

‘Dibhai Abhi’s birthday is on next month. Let’s send them to Mauritius for a week just after his birthday.’ Suhani suggested.

‘Great plan Suhani. I hope he doesn’t go for any attack or mission on this birthday like previous years.’ Barsha said in a low voice.

‘Yes Di, by the way did you watch today’s news?’ Suhani asked in a hushed tone.

‘Oh god for once I thought it can’t be my Abhi. But he is in Kolkata right now also I heard that politician’s name from Rohan. Also I watched it when Rohan was not in home.’ Barsha said remembering what she saw on TV also Rohan wasn’t home at that time.

One of the popular politician of Kolkata was brutally murdered today morning only. Within few hours’ news of his illegal work came out. The dead body was unrecognizable.

‘Same Di. Sometimes I feel scared for my two best friends.’ Suhani said.

‘I also feel scared for him, but I have faith on them.’ Barsha replied to which Suhani agreed.

They kept talking for sometimes and then went to their children who were playing basketball in Time Zone.

Singh Raizada Mansion

Abhay was sipping on his bitter juice which was healthy for his health definitely not for his taste buds. He only drinks this only in fear of his mother. Devika still scares him with her angry eyes.

Rohan was in phone with two of Abhimanyu’s bodyguard. The phone was in speaker; Rakesh was also there.

‘Why didn’t you throw his pathetic body or cut into pieces?’ Abhay asked in his usual deep voice.

‘Abhimanyu Sir wanted to let others know what happens to someone when you against Singh Raizadas.’ Rohan said exactly Abhimanyu said after shooting him on his head.

And the main motif of making the news of Kabir Mitra’s murder was letting Devraj Singhania know that Abhimanyu Singh Raizada is one step ahead than him.

Yes, they came to know that Akhilesh’s boss is none other is his father. They didn’t let the world know that they were father and son. But Vishal’s sharp eyes found the similar features between Akhilesh and Devraj’s young face. s Vishal told about his doubt Abhay sent his PIs and they confirmed about it. They were stunned at first to know as Devraj was their previous enemy but he hid himself very well. And 2 days ago they told this to Abhimanyu who decided to play a little with this father and son duo. And in between he got to know the connection between Kabir Mitra and Devraj who was trying to make a raid in Abhimanyu’s warehouse for illegal work to expose him and take Akhilesh out of that place.

Abhimanyu knew about Kabir’s drug business and other political scams but didn’t plan to kill him. But then he thought deeply and concluded this ba*tard has no reason to live, ending his chapter will profit him in all way.

So he murdered him entering in his house in the clear daylight.

Vishal knew Devraj since he was around 23, he was a local goon at that time. He was never into good works and Vishal knew it but never knew one day he will kill his great grandson in his mother’s womb.

‘Devraj won’t sit idle. We need to take our next step as soon as possible.’ Vishal suggested.

‘Yes Chote Dadu. But this time Devraj will come to us by himself. We made sure of it.’ Rohan said with his beasty smile on his face.

‘What did you do Boys?’ Abhay asked.

‘Nothing Sir, we are just using his spies against him.’ Rakesh said.

It was his suggestion to make Devraj come here by his own. Abhimanyu knew Devraj was a fish of deep waters, he may think the news of his son’s kidnapping is fake, a trap for him.

So Abhimanyu made sure that Devraj traces Akhilesh’s actual location in Kolkata by the time he shifts him to some other place.

Their conversations went on whereas Devraj was on his plane going to Kolkata not knowing his dirty past will stand in front of him.

He was a kind of coward who doesn’t come in front of the world, always saving his own self. But this time he was out of his shell because Abhimanyu Singh Raizada has his one and only lovely son in his hostage.




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Writing books where he fell first and he fell harder also.