Chapter 37

Next day

Deep down in my heart you are still there,

the prettiest sunset of my life.

- Nikhar


It was only 6 am in the morning when Abhimanyu left with his brother Aditya for morning walk and to drop Rudra in his school. He checked his baby and wife who were sleeping peacefully before he left.

Siya woke up an hour later. Rubbing her sleepy eyes, she looked by her side only to find it empty.

He must be out for walk. She mumbled to herself and slowly got out of the bed. First she checked on her baby and then when to freshen up. Coming out the washroom he found a small sticky note on the nightstand.

‘Will come back at 8 am. Did check on Avu and her mother also. Have tea with Boudibhai and others and also feed my baby.’

A smiley face

- From your Ji. (Two white hearts)

Siya smiled to herself reading his cute texts on a sticky note.

She slowly moved to her baby and woke her up. Little Avu took some time to finally wake up and the next thing she did was giving her mother her prettiest smile.

She then changed her diapers and her clothes also. Then she started nursing her. After having her milk little Avishikta was playing with her mother when Aroni came to call her for morning tea.

Aroni went inside the room as Siya opened the door.

‘Ale amder rajkonne toh uthe poreche!!’ (Aww our princess is awake.) She said picking her up.

‘Siya let’s go to dining room.’ Aroni said making Siya nod in yes.

‘You could have call me instead Mami.’ Siya felt bad as this old woman come to call her for morning tea.

‘Don’t think me old, I am pretty young.’ Aroni said with a giggle as they moved out.


At 9 am everyone settled for breakfast. Siya finally made them agree to let her work with them in the kitchen. She handed little Avu to Sneha who started playing in her lap. Abhimanyu and Aditya after taking bath.

Siya first served Aditya as he needed to leave for his office, then they served themselves. Looking at the Chatterjee couples Siya is now double sure why Abhimanyu always serves her first. Even in hurry Aditya didn’t forgot to serve his wife properly.

After breakfast Aditya left, Jiya went with him till the main door and SIya could clearly Aditya kissing On Jiya’s forehead and cheeks.

Abhimanyu notice it also, his eldest brother always preferred privacy, he doesn’t like PDA at any cost.

After breakfast Siya went to the oldest couples of the house and chit chatted with them. Little Avu was playing on the big comfy couch as others were surrounding them.

Abhimanyu was talking with his Dida when he got a call from his office. Siya took the phone and passed it but Abhimanyu dismissed the call.

‘Phone ta toh tulte partis Mannu.’ Arti said knowing calls from his office is important (You could have received the call.)

‘Nothing is important than family right now.’

‘Ekdomi tai tui na Arti, let him enjoy.’ (Exactly, don’t be like this Arti,) Amrita said.

‘Exactly let him enjoy. Our Mannu has a lot of pressure. By the way do you know paser barir Mitra Boudi khub prosonhsa korchilen or. Korbeni na keno? Our Mannu got best businessman award after all.’ Sneha said making all remember the day when he received the best businessman award in a global platform but didn’t leave his wife and new – born to attend the award function. (neighbourhood Mitra sister – in –law was praising him a lot. Why won’t she?)

Siya felt bad as she remembered the incident, he is a one hella stubborn guy, didn’t budge from his decision. She still feels guilty as he couldn’t attend such a big and prestigious award function. Award was sent to him few days later and his recorded thanks giving speech was played in the show and businessmen from the world congratulated him for his success.

Priyanka looked at Siya’s gloomy face and gave her a soft squeeze understanding her guilt ‘Nothing is important than family. Remember this dear. For him you and Avu are more important than any award.’

Siya softly smiled and nodded her head in yes. They kept talking while Abhimanyu slowly got up and went to kitchen and started preparing lunch.

Jiya also followed him in order to help him. Siya also went behind her after informing Arti and others.

But before they could enter the kitchen Abhimanyu replied ‘No not today Boudibhai and TweetyBird. I will cook only, you go and sit with others.’

Jiya made face making Siya giggle.

‘He has two eyes behind him also.’ Jiya said in hushed tone as they giggled to themselves. As they went back to the drawing room Amrita smiled and asked ‘He didn’t even let you in na. O orokomi.’ (He is like this only.)

Jiya pouted and sat on the madur (mat) ‘Hai se ar bolte. But he cooks just like Moni.’ (Of course)

Aroni slowly got up and picked up little Avu from Sneha ‘Dibhai oke snan ta koriye ani. Siya oke niye gelam. Cholo putu bacha amar.’

(Dibhai I am taking her to give her bath. Siya I am taking her okay. Let’s go my cutei pie.)

Little Avishikta moved her little fists in excitement. Bathing is a fun for her with all love and care.


After lunch Jiya took Siya inside her room. ‘I am taking her with me. Wait for her okay Mannu.’ With that they went 30 minutes ago.

Abhimanyu got ready and went to Arti’s room where Avishikta was sleeping after Siya fed her. He kissed her head and said ‘Dida ektu dekho oke.’ (Grandma take care of her.)

‘Seta toke bolte hbe na, Ja Siya ke nie ghure aii, Bhagbazar Ghat e niye jas kintu ekdin.’ (You don’t need to tell me. Go and visit some places with Siya. And also take her to Bhagbazar Ghat one day for sure.)

‘Okay Madam.’ He said kissing her cheeks and went down.

After 45 minutes Abhimanyu looked at his watch. He is not a guy who waits for anyone except his family.

And now he is waiting for his TweetyBird as she is getting ready. It's not like that Siya takes hours to get ready but today Jiya took her inside her room and he knew she will take her time.

I need to wait more. Abhimanyu mumbled to himself and again sat down on the couch.

Amrita and Aroni were sitting near him across the drawing room.

They laughed a little looking at his crunched nose.

'He doesn't like to stay away from her Sona ma.' Aroni said making Amrita smiled sheepishly.

'Like father like son Aru. Ek kaaj kor Joi ke bol Siya ke deri kore charte.' Amrita said as they laughed in a low voice.

'Na Sona ma ,I don't think Mannu can wait anymore. Let him this 6iwm

Abhimanyu looked at them hearing their bantering.

Here he is getting impatient to see her face and they are planning to make him wait more.

Sometimes he thinks they are so young from heart. He was in his thoughts when his eyes stuck at a person. It was none other than His Siya who was looking like a nymph in a simple prune coloured salwar suit with her open hair.

Abhimanyu smiled a little as they were wearing same colour’s outfit.

But today Jiya showed him mercy and they came downstairs.

‘Here is your precious wife Mannu and also she kept saying to let her go “Ji must be waiting for me.”’ Jiya mimicked making them laugh at Siya’s red cheeks.

‘Thank you Boudibhai.’ Abhimanyu said making Jiya smile at him ‘She is already beautiful, now go fast.’


Sitting inside the car, Abhimanyu pulled up the black shield. Then leaning on Siya's side he pulled her over his lap. Siya wrapped her hands around him softly as Abhimanyu pecked on her forehead. She looked like some baby bear in his arms.

The car kept moving until they reached their destination. Siya put her head on his shoulder and they kept talking with each other.

‘She must be asleep now. Will call Dida after an hour okay.’ Abhimanyu said making Siya agree. Being a mother her first priority is always her baby, her Avu.

Abhimanyu first took her to Indian Museum. They took their tickets and entered inside. The white old building founded in 1814, 9th oldest museum in the world stood in the heart of Kolkata.

Siya was excited as she always wanted to visit Indian Museum which has rare collections of antiques, armour and ornaments, fossils, skeletons, mummies and Mughal paintings.

They visited all six sections comprising thirty five galleries of cultural like Bharhut Gallery , Bird Gallery , Botanical Gallery ,Bronze Gallery, Coin Gallery ,Decorative Art ,Egypt Gallery ,Gandhara Gallery ,Insect Gallery, L.Archaeology Gallery, Mammal Gallery, Mask Gallery .Paintings Gallery, Textile Gallery etc and scientific artifacts namely Indian art, archaeology, anthropology, geology, zoology and economic botany. They also saw many rare and unique specimens, both Indian and trans-Indian, relating to humanities and natural sciences, are preserved and displayed in the galleries of these sections. In particular, the art and archaeology sections hold collections of international importance.

Siya took some pictures of old fossils, different type of coins from different dynasties and her Ma’s favourite artworks. In between they called in Chatterjee house and asked about Avu who was completely under her brother’s care who came from school like only for his sister.

Siya was completely mesmerized by few age old sculptures. They were completely ethereal.

Abhimanyu guided her with all descriptions. Holding her hand, he showed her everything with great enthusiasm.

‘Thank you Ji. I wanted to visit this museum for so long and you fulfilled it.’ Siya said as they finally sat on the soft grass out of the building.

‘You can thank me in a different way TweetyBird.’ Abhimanyu said shrugging of his shoulder.

Siya thought to cook him his favourite luchi and alu bhaja to thank him. But the poor thing didn’t know her husband wanted something else.

‘Ok I will make your favourite food.’ Siya said as Abhimanyu handed her a juice can from a bag which was being carried by his bodyguard.

‘But I want kissy.’ He said in her ears making her stop her sipping her juice. Her eyes widen hearing his deep demanding voice.

‘Umm Ji I can cook yo..’

‘I want kissy at night as a thanks not luchi, alu bhaja.’ He said making her shut. She pouted adorably making him aww at her.


Abhimanyu intertwined their fingers as they walked on the empty pavement of North Kolkata.

The place was very close to him, his Ma used to take him for walking during weekends when they used visit Kolkata.

Siya looked around as Abhimanyu showed her some famous lanes. The old structure of buildings felt a lot different.

They walked around the lonely alleys as they found peace. Then by walking they reached near Bagbazar Ghat. The sight in front of them was totally mesmerizing.

The greenery of the whole area was completely eye soothing. The whole Bagbazar Ghat was completely lonely. It was Abhimanyu who made the whole Ghat empty.

The almighty Sun was setting for the day the sky was decorated with its deep red shade.

'Come let's sit there.' Abhimanyu took her small hand with his larger and rough one and they went down slowly. Stepping down at the low staircases they sat on nearby broad aligner.

The scenic beauty created havoc in their hearts.

'It's beautiful Ji. I never saw such a beautiful sunset.' Siya said leaning her head on his broad shoulder.

'Not more than you TweetyBird.' Abhimanyu said making blush with a tiny of pink on her adorable cheeks.

Siya dipped her legs in the water and they enjoyed the sunset.



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Writing books where he fell first and he fell harder also.