Chapter 35

‘Sir those boys are not in a condition to even walk on their own. This plan won’t be helpful actually.’ Anish said disconnecting the call.

‘Take them out and blast their basements. I won’t let them get raped.’ Abhimanyu said sipping on his coffee.

‘Cars are arranged already Sir.’ Sumit informed making Abhimanyu nod in yes.

‘Fine then reporting time is 12am and complete your work within 2 hours.’ Abhimanyu said making them get them.

‘Ok Sir.’ Rohan, Anish, Rakesh and Anish stood up.

Rohan was the last one to left ‘Rohan buddy I know you will laugh. But be careful, with you my sister’s happiness lies and I can’t risk it.’

Neither Abhimanyu nor Rohan was coward but Abhimanyu can’t help but to take care of sister’s husband.

‘Don’t worry buddy.’ Rohan hugged him and they shared a brotherly hug.

‘By the way isn’t it two birds with one stone?’ Rohan asked making Abhimanyu smirk a little.

‘He needs to lose everything Rohan. His legal, illegal business, his house, his identity everything Rohan. HE KILLED MY CHILD.’ Abhimanyu’s voice was nothing but full of hatred.

Rohan didn’t console him knowing he can’t feel his pain fully but he knew his best buddy, his Abhi will make the culprit to pay for his every tears.


Meanwhile in another part of Mumbai

‘Akki eat some more betu.’ Simran said to her son serving him food.

‘No Ma it’s okay.’ The man aged around 35 said making her nod her head in yes.

‘Why don’t you eat some more betu?’ The lady asked taking a sit beside her.

‘I will be late for work Ma.’ The man said munching over his food.

‘Why don’t you just leave your work then.’ This time it wasn’t sweet words as before.

‘Ma don’t say like this again. Dad won’t like it.’ He said this time rudely.

‘She would never understand Akki.’ An aged rough male voice came behind them.

Both mother and son looked at the person who glared at his wife making her gulp hard. The lady slowly got up and went to arrange her husband’s food.

‘How is the work? What about our outskirts basements? And what about that bast*rd?’ The man asked taking the head chair of the table.

‘It’s good Dad. The basements are full of products. And about that bast*rd (He gave a dirty smile) he is mourning for his lovely wife’s death.’

‘Hmm’ The reply was too short.

‘Dad actually I need to go to Delhi.’ He said softly as his mother served him his plate.

‘To find that bi*ch?’ This time he gritted his teeth.

The lady moved back fearing him. She knows how fierce her husband is and can beat her right now right in front of her son.

Sensing his father’s anger, he the man got up and said ‘No Dad, it was for our new office opening in Delhi.’

‘You may go but search for that little wh*re and I swear you will love to perform your beloved mother’s funeral.’ He said casually making the poor soul scare to death and hate him more whereas the man replied in yes.

After dinner they moved to their respective rooms.

As the man entered in his room, he dialled a number,

*Over the phone*


‘Hello Sir.’

‘Any news about her?’

‘Yes Sir, she was in The Angel Orphanage till last year but now the lady who takes care of that orphanage is saying she left their place in one fine evening but never came back.’

Hearing this he sighed a little, it’s been five years he has been searching for her.

‘Fine then ask the people of that place. We need to find her as soon as possible. And one thing always remember my father shouldn’t get a single word about this or else I won’t mind slit your throat along with your family.’ It was a clear warning.

‘Yes Sir.’ The person on the other side literally gulped hard.

Cutting the call on his face, the man sat on his bed. Sending some more messages, he finally called for a night.

On the other hand, Devraj was smoking inside his room when Smriti entered. She looked pale. She wasn’t exhausted with work as she has almost 100 of maids following her instruction in this lavish mansion. But she was exhausted with her whole life.

As soon as her eyes met with her husband she diverted her eyes.

‘Umm should I bring out your night clothes?’ She asked lowly.

‘There is no need. Go and sleep, I will be late.’ He said in an authorative tone.

‘Then good night.’ Saying this she started to move towards the bed.

‘I hope your son is not searching for that bi*ch.’ His words pierced her heart brutally.

‘No Dev, he isn’t searching for her. But Dev now what if we get her back?’ The moment these words slipped from her mouth she was pressed over a hard wall.

‘Ahh!! Dev it’s paining.’ She whispered weakly as his mails dug in her skin.

‘YOU WANT THAT BI*CH EVEN AFTER 16 YEARS.’ He barked at her in a high pitch voice giving more pressure on her skin.

‘She is our dau..’ Before she could complete her words she was cut off by a hard slap.

‘That sh*t was nothing to us you get that. And you, barren woman never ever repeat it. I won’t mind lock you in the basement.’ He said pushing her on the ground.

‘Ahh!!’ Smriti winced in pain as her back hurt the corner of the night stand but the pain in her heart was killing her. No matter how much her husband hurt her she can’t forget the pain she gave to herself 16 years ago.

She slowly got up and decided to talk with her son. If he is really searching for her daughter, then her daughter is in danger because her husband will never harm his favourite child. But whereas for his daughter well he doesn’t even consider her as his blood.


Abhimanyu was combing Siya’s hair after a perfect relaxing shower at night.

‘TweetyBird you wanna eat hot chocolate?’ He asked her making her shines in happiness.

‘Yes Ji. Can I get a cup of that?’

‘You can always have more than one.’ He said and went down. Bringing two cups of hot chocolate he took her out in their beautifully decorated balcony.

Siya took the cup from him as Abhimanyu softly offered her and sat beside her.

And they did their favourite deed together which was star gazing.

At 12am Abhimanyu picked up sleeping frame of Siya lying on her lap.

‘You are a gift from heaven for me TweetyBird.’ He softly laid her on the bed and soon joined her on bed, pulling her over his chest he cuddled with her and waited for a phone call.

Almost 3 hours later Abhimanyu’s phone rang, the call was from Rohan.

‘Have two good news for you Sir. One we saved the boys, blasted their basements and the second one is Akhilesh is in this city only Sir.’

A cruel smile curved into his lips.

‘Good job boys. Take him out of his hole, something big is waiting for him.’

‘Ok Sir.’

‘Text me reaching home and take care of DIbhai.’ Abhimanyu said knowing his sister very well.

As he cut the call he welcomed a deep sleep, now he only need to prepare Akhilesh Singhania’s coffin with his own hands.


2 months later

Devraj destroyed all the furniture in his wife. Broken pieces of glass was scattered everywhere.

‘De..v Dev they are searching for our Akki. Calm down, you have high Blood pressure.’ Smriti softly said trying to calm him down. But the monster was already out of control.

‘Oh really my son is missing from last one month and these bloody dogs can’t find him. You want me to calm down.’ He shouted in high pitch voice.

Smriti herself was in pain as she didn’t see her son from last one month.

‘Is there any way out now Dev? Your rival might have did something to our son. I warned you before also not to drag him in your illegal business but no..’ She replied both in pain and hate, her voice cracked as she cried silently.

‘Don’t start with your crocodile tears Smriti. I won’t mind to beat the shit out of you.’ Devraj threatened her in his irritated voices and started to call his men.

Smriti wiped her tears herself and prayed for her son’s safety. Whereas Devraj kept shouting over the phone calls. He may be a cruel pathetic old hag but his son is apple of his eyes.

*In Kolkata*

Abhimanyu smirked as he looked at the person breathing heavily in front of him.

‘So how are you enjoying your life here?’ He asked sitting on his chair like a king he is.

The man who was looking like some wounded animal raised his head and tried to speak. A lot of blood come out of his mouth as he coughed. Abhimanyu motioned his man to give him some water which he followed immediately.

He drank the water and took some deep breathes. A whole month of beating wasn’t helping him in anyway.

As he finally opened his mouth Abhimanyu bent like a predator does to his prey.

‘You did a great mistake by kidnapping me. My Dad won’t leave you.’ He gritted his teeth.

‘Really I am scared like very scared.’ He mocked at him.

‘Don’t be a fool. Leave me and my father might harm you less.’ He said in his heavy voice. Yes heavy, because he couldn’t supress his cries after getting continuously beaten in this whole month.

AHH!!’ Pulling his hair in a painful grip he spoke in an extreme tone ‘Let your Dad come, let him enjoy what happens when a father loses his son.’

This time he looked like an incarnation of Devil himself, eyes of fire and lips of venom. He was in his rage and his blue eyes were darkest showing pure inhumanity.

The man tried to move back in the same sitting position. Abhimanyu kicked him on his chest making him groan in pain as he curled up in a ball.

‘Beat him, whip him, kick him until I order to stop. His cries should be heard in every cells of this basement. He killed my son and I need to pay him back with interests.’ Abhimanyu said with so much hatred.

Those boys understood two things in this whole basement he is the one who has personal grudges with their boss just like Vicky in Mumbai. Yes, Abhimanyu directly took Akhilesh to his Kolkata’s basement as this basement is still unknown from the people of his dark world which is solely owned by him.

Coming out of that dark shabby blood smelled cell he walked out of the place. He directly went out and drove back to his office in Kolkata. He also needed to work on some official works and also on some drug shipment.

He did his paperwork and handled two of his meetings with foreign partners. Around 4 am in the morning he came out of his office. He was indeed tired but wanted to reach Chatterjee House as soon as possible.

He needs to his wife’s sleeping face which he craves for. His solace, his Angel, his TweetyBird must be sleeping now with their baby girl.



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Writing books where he fell first and he fell harder also.