Chapter 29

The passing seconds were difficult for them. Rohan was still handling work and calls. The enemies are dead by now. He sent a team to rescue the doctors as Dr. Ray informed their place. Only Rohan knew that she ran away from them with risking her life and luckily guessed about new hospital.

After thirty minutes Dr. Ray herself came with the new-born baby girl wrapped in a pink towel. Four of them rushed to her.

‘Here is your baby girl Sir. I kept my promise.’ She showed him her baby and Abhimanyu’s eyes showed thousands of emotions. But it was pure bliss for all of them.

They couldn’t hold her due to blood stains on the cloths but their heart was at peace actually in ecstasy.

Abhimanyu was feeling on cloud nine, after a night full of darkness their baby was first ray of sunshine.

Abhay and Rohan hugged him ‘Congratulations!!’

The joy in their voice made the baby happy as her beautiful orbs shined.

‘Yes my baby, my cutie pie!!’ He fell in love once again with his baby, not his by biologically but by love truly.

Then Abhimanyu asked the doctor ‘My wife doctor? How is she? She is fine right?’

The pain was clear in his voice. He can’t see his Siya in pain and here she was almost dead.

‘She is unconscious. She will be up by the evening. Your baby is weak; we are taking care of her. But now both of them is out of danger.’ Dr. Ray said once gain showing them the baby.

Hearing about baby’s weakness made Abhimanyu sad. But finally they both were safe and that was their solace.


It was just 4.30 pm and it will take at least another 2 hours to get to see Siya. Moreover, except Mrinal, their blood drenched clothes will be harmful for Baby. Even Mrinal’s saree was soaked with Siya’s blood.

Finally, Rohan decided to take initiative and said ‘You guys go back and freshen up. We need to meet Siya. I will be here with others.’

Mrinal also supported him. She took Abhay and Abhimanyu with him and moreover it was dawn after the storm. Rohan called at got the news of their victory and then called Barsha to inform others.

A wave of happiness hit both Chatterjee house and Singh Raizada mansion.

Finally, their baby was born except no one knew about the death of Siya’s baby boy and it wasn’t his matter to involve after all.

Soon Abhay and Abhimanyu came back with smiling Mrinal. She was smiling like a toddler knowing she was a grandmother even Abhay was waiting to meet mother and baby duo.

And for Abhimanyu, he badly wanted to kiss his wife and hold his baby.

As they reached inside the hospital, Rohan left for his home. In the mansion everyone was congratulating Vishal, Devika and each other still unaware of the death of their grandson.

Abhimanyu silently sat beside her parents like a little boy waiting until he was allowed to hold his daughter. The baby was premature so she was taken care of. For few minutes Abhimanyu finally got a chance to hold his baby girl. He kissed her foot palm and hold her on his chest as if his baby girl was listening to his heartbeat. Then one by one held her. Mrinal and Abhay couldn’t hold back their tears.

‘We are Dadu and Dadi Mira. She is our baby’s baby.’ Abhay said caressing her head.

Abhimanyu smiled hearing him calling Baby. Mrinal’s eyes shined to the brightest as she looked at her grandson. She was the cutest and best blessings to them after all.

Before the baby was taken inside Abhimanyu held his baby girl again ‘I love you Cutie Pie and you are my princess.’

Abhay immediately clicked a photo of them as Abhimanyu wrapped her in his arms.

And the baby’s eyes shone brightly letting the Devil know she is his princess, the mafia princess.


Waves of happiness crashed whole Chatterjee family and Singh Raiazada mansion as they got the news of their granddaughter. The picture of Abhimanyu holding their baby girl made all of them bless the trio with all love they have. Even though elders of Chatterjee family still didn’t know about the attack. Due to their old age, Aditya didn’t tell them about the attack on Siya.

On the other hand, in Singh Raizada mansion Devika was busy with workers where they were busy in decorating the house. They also didn’t know about Siya’s miscarriage till now.

First Born of Abhimanyu Singh Raizada deserves the best welcome.

Viraj and Rudra called each other and then connected with Devansh. They were happy to get their baby sister. Rohan also informed Suhani only to tell her the good news.

Vishal called their pilot to get their jet ready for Kolkata and called Mihir to inform.

‘Mihir beta you got the news na? Our Siya and Abhimanyu is now parents.’ He said excitedly.

‘Yes Vishal Kakai, got this best news. Our Mannu is now a Father and Siya is a Mother. Mannu was right, it’s baby girl.’ He replied as he put the phone on speaker.

‘Then come to meet them and don’t forget to bring her Borodadabhai (elder brother).’ Vishal said with a smile on his whole face.

‘Yes we will be there. And congratulations for being great grandfather.’ Mihir said making Vishal grin like a kid.

Indeed, they were excited for their baby granddaughter.

‘Congratulations to you also Mihir. You became grandpa once again.’

After few more talks they ended the call.

Devika instructed the workers to make everyone’s favourite food. Specially Siya’s favourite dishes. She also opened the nursery room which was made for Cutie pie by Abhimanyu. And few workers also went to clean their previous bedroom only remove those painful memories for their Siya Babyji. But till now none knows about Geeta’s deeds.


It was more than 5 hours Siya was lying on bed looking completely pale. She may be survived but her condition was not good. Abhimanyu was waiting for her patiently. He was mad at the hospital member. Even the lady doctor couldn't make Abhimanyu understand that sometimes medicines don't work as machine.

Mrinal had to calm him down where Abhay wasn't helping him either way.

Like father like son!!

Abhimanyu finally got up and checked time.

'Bapi, Ma go back. Take rest and have food. And also Choti Dadi and Chote Dadu are alone. They will be tensed. ' He said as it was pretty late. His father was a diabetes patient and he won't take rest.

'I will stay Champ. Mira (whispering Baby in her ears) you go okay.' He softly approached her but she nodded in yes. One side she wanted to be with Siya but the two old people back in the house were also important.

'Fine eat something Abhi and you too Abhi Babu. Then only I will go.'

Without wasting anytime Abhay nodded and said 'We will eat Mira. You also go back. Come I will take you to the car. Men are outside only.'

But Abhimanyu denied 'Bapi you go with Ma. Don't stay here. Take rest, if not for me but for your granddaughter.'

Abhay glared at him as Mrinal laughed at his face, Abhimanyu tricked him with his granddaughter after all.

Mrinal kissed Abhimanyu's forehead and said ' Be patient Abhi Babu, she is fighter you know. And take care of both of them.'

He nodded in yes and kissed her mother’s cheeks and then hugged her. Abhay patted his back only to engulf in a warm hug from Abhimanyu.

‘Both of them are charm of our home Champ, be alert. And don’t forget to avenge your son, my grandson.’ Abhay whispered in his ears not letting Mrinal know.

Abhimanyu replied in his ice cold voice ‘Yes Bapi. I WILL.’

His oft eyes blazed for a second and then again softened.

Before going back Abhay and Mrinal went inside Siya’s room only to see her lying on bed completely drenched out of energy. A lone tear escaped from Mrinal’s eyes.

How will she face her when she will come to know about her death baby?

She doesn’t know. Abhay wiped her tear and side hugged her.

‘Be strong my Baby, you need to take care of your Natni (Granddaughter), Mira Baby and also our Sweetpea.’

Mrinal nodded and then they left to see the baby from outside and left.

Few minutes later Rohan came back. He won’t never leave his buddy when he needs him most.

‘Is she awake?’ Rohan asked only to get a negative answer.

‘What did doctor say then? And where is my niece?’ He asked with a low voice understanding the situation.

‘She is very badly affected; it may take time. Come Rohan, my baby is under special care. you can meet her through glass door.’

Rohan’s stone heart ached, he followed him.


Another hour later the nurse came running out of Siya’s private ward.

‘Ma’am is awake.’ She said taking a long breath. After all Abhimanyu took the whole hospital over his head. But more than that every medical stuffs also wanted Siya aka their boss’s wife to get back her conscious soon.

Abhimanyu’s face lit up as he stood up from his chair.

Abhimanyu ran inside mumbling a thank you and the nurse felt the love in his voice. Rohan chuckled at his friend’s happy face.

No matter what, if you help poor in distress you will be blessed.

That’s what Karma says. Isn’t it?

Your dark clouds will pass soon giving the brightest ray of sunlight.

And that’s what happened for Abhimanyu. Rohan knew his friend wasn’t a good man, he was bad, very bad, yet he was the best.

Best for the people who need him.

Abhimanyu’s steps halted. She was awake, even though she was looking way too weak still he could see the longing in his eyes. A lone tear escaped seeing her both the hands attached with wires and machines, half lying with the help of pillows.

‘Ji..!..!’ She called him in her weakest voice. Her whole body was weak; she wasn’t feeling any strength in her body.

But her soul was searching for her husband and her baby from the moment she opened her eyes.

The next second Abhimanyu strode towards her and wrapped her in his strong arms ‘TweetyBird!!’

‘Careful!!’ Siya’s gynaecologist Dr. Ray was standing there only alone with a nurse.

Abhimanyu held her with care, softly not wanting to give her a little bit of pain.

‘Ji .. m..y ba..b..y.’ She asked slowly with difficulties.

‘I will be bringing your baby Ma’am.’ The same nurse said as she left to bring the baby.

Siya slowly tried to hug him but couldn’t. The doctor also left leaving the couple alone.

Abhimanyu broke hug slowly ‘It’s okay TweetyBird. Don’t move your hands okay.’

She nodded softly in yes. Abhimanyu caressed her cheeks and kissed her temple ‘You are now Mommy my TweetyBird. We have a baby girl.’

Tears rolled down her cheeks.

‘Our ba.b.y is fine na?’ She asked with fear in her voice.

‘Yes our Baby is fine. Don’t take stress.’ He said side hugging her softly. Abhimanyu knew he shouldn’t lie; he shouldn’t hide about their baby boy. But right now Siya’s body and min won’t able to handle such news.

‘I t.hough..t I ..will. diie and ou..r baby will a..lsoo.’ She said in a low voice. The pain wasn’t fully gone but the horrible event will never leave her mind. Her words were broken due to her weakness.

‘Shh!! You are fine, so is our baby.’ Only Abhimanyu knew how it ached him to hide about his baby boy’s death.

At the same time the nurse came back with her baby. Siya’s broken soul got healed the moment she saw her baby wrapped in a pink towel.

‘Ma’am you can feed your baby if you feel well.’ She said handing the baby to her. At the same time Abhimanyu put his hand under Siya’a hands only to give her support. Because looking at her weakness anybody can say she won’t be able to hold her baby.Holding her baby in her weak arms she felt herself in solace, her baby was fine and that was enough for her. She would have died thousands death if something happened to her baby, her baby was sole reason of her existence but now it is changed.

‘I.. am .. well.. I want to .. feed my.. baby.’ She said kissing her baby’s face even though she was feeling difficult to breath properly. The baby looked at her mother’s face and gave her best smile making them fall for her.

‘Ji.. se..e our baby..’ She said looking at Abhimanyu.

‘Yes ours.’ He said kissing her forehead. His one hand was supporting her and one hand was holding her shoulder.

‘Do you want me to help you Ma'am?’ The nurse asked politely.

‘Umm I .. will.. manage.’ She said softly.

The nurse nodded and left said ‘Call us if you need any help Sir and Ma’am. And congratulations to both of you.’

‘Than.k ..y.ou!’ Siya replied with a small smile and the nurse left giving her a warming smile.



I am sorry to say to all of you that updates will be slow as I am not fine.

Instead of daily updates you will get weekly one or two updates.

Hope you understand.

With love,


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Writing books where he fell first and he fell harder also.