Chapter 28

Just few minutes later Abhimanyu and Rohan came out from underground way and breathlessly ran to Abhimanyu’s room.

At the entrance of his room Abhimanyu lost his senses when he saw his wife’s body lying in the pool of blood.

Did the poison kill her and their baby?

And for the first time he didn’t mind of leave everyone behind and ran to his wife. He didn’t know why his luck isn’t supporting him?

The road was so congested that they reached late. And worst they had to use their secret way which wasted his time but when he looked at his wife’s almost dead body he pushed everyone.

Rohan followed him and the sight in front of them woke up the Devil inside Abhimanyu and the Angel inside him fell down.

He caressed her face and kissed her whole face ‘TweetyBird I am here. Please don’t leave me.’

He sounded like a mad kid, tears rolled down his cheeks. He shook her body, caressed her hair and her baby bump

‘Cutie Pie!!!’

He cried out calling his baby’s name but nothing in response.

His wife was dead with his child inside her womb. Even his ruthless father was looking like loser for the first time.

And why not?

The dream they slowly made true is lying dead in front of them. Rohan didn’t sit beside his friend instead moved towards one of the strongest women he has seen in his life and checked her breath.

And she was breathing.

Rohan almost shouted with ray of light ‘She is breathing but it’s very low.’

But the next second it surrounded with darkness as a guard informed ‘They attacked the mansion.’ as the sound of gunshots came.’

Abhimanyu’s eyes blazed in anger, Akhilesh was playing hard this time. He attacked Abhimanyu, the way Abhimanyu attacked their base in Canada.

‘Blow their heads without any mercy.’ He roared making everyone shiver with his dominating voice.

The female house helpers got scared looking at his avatar.

Mrinal slowly moved from Abhay’s arms held Siya’s head ‘Do something Abhi Babu, bring the doctors fast.’

Abhimanyu nodded his head in yes and motioned Rohan to bring the doctors. But the doctors on the video call shouted as their cars were stopped in the middle of the road.

Akhilesh was playing really sick this time.

By the time both Mrinal and Devika understood that their rival’s target is solely Siya and her baby.

‘Their target is only Siya, Abhi. We need to think other way around.’ Mrinal told Abhay.

Looking at Abhimanyu’s dead eyes he feared he may kill someone right now. And if he starts shooting with his own way then he would kill every single enemy but it may cost Siya and her baby.

And the next moment Abhimanyu stood up and kissed Siya’s knuckles and then forehead ‘I love you TweetyBird. I am so sorry.’

He was sorry for being late, for letting his enemy harm her, for not being able to the baby he claimed as his. Vishal patted his head ‘Don’t lose hope Mannu. We will save her at any cost.’

They will save her at any cost.

‘We will go to hospital Bapi. Arrange the best doctors in the outskirt hospital Bapi.’ Abhimanyu chose their new hospital which was still unknown to people being owned by Singh Raizadas.

Abhay immediately dialled that hospital’s number. Rohan came back running with blood stains in his shirt. He already killed many of attackers.

He knew Mrinal and Devika may faint but the amount of blood he has on his shirts was less than Siya’s blood.

The workers didn’t waste time to pack Siya’s pregnancy bag.

Before leaving the mansion Abhay hugged his parents ‘If something happens, get inside the basement. Don’t worry about the mansion.’

Vishal patted his back ‘Nothing will happen to us or to the mansion. Just bring her back at least.’

Devika teared up once again thinking the baby is dead.

The workers shared a look and said ‘Don’t worry about Bhabi and Bhaiya. Nothing will happen to them or to this palace until we are alive.’

And once again Abhay and Abhimanyu trusted his workers.

Abhimanyu held Siya’s body in his arms, but her pale face was killing me with each passing moment. He hurriedly followed his father whereas Rohan was behind him. His shirt started getting wet with her blood making their heart break slowly. They still didn’t give up.


Mrinal’s hold tightened around Abhay’s biceps. They had to use the backdoor of the mansion and whereas his men protected them from behind.

But alas before they could get inside the car they were attacked once again. Abhay pushed Mrinal inside the car and Abhimanyu laid his wife inside the car on his mother’s lap. Mrinal’s heart started beating too fast.

She didn’t mind to yell at three men ‘Finish them first.’

Abhay pulled out his both the guns and same goes for Rohan. But Abhimanyu brought out his AK 47 from his car.

And the next few minutes were filled with gunshots and people’s screams.

And for the first time Mrinal got horrified looking at her own precious son who killed 100 men without mercy. He looked like some Devil thirsty for blood.

Before she could utter anything the car was started and it ran with highest speed. On the other hand, the doctors were trapped but Nidhi was save by Robin and others.


Abhimanyu’s shirt was drenched in blood but it was not his wife’s only but also those 100 men he himself killed within a blink.

Hugging her close to himself he could feel her lowest breathing, but she was still breathing. Rohan was driving the car very carefully to reach as soon as possible.

‘TweetyBird keep fighting, Do it for us, for our baby.’ He kept chanting in her ears even though she was unconscious.

Mrinal was beside her holding her palms.

Reaching the hospital Abhimanyu yelled ‘DOCTOR SAVE THEM.’

The team was ready and she was taken inside.

They sat outside the OT praying for her not knowing God has different plan for them. Rohan suddenly got a call and it was from Abhimanyu’s men who was guarding outside for further attack.

A woman was trying to come inside. Rohan didn’t inform anyone and ran out only to find out that Siya’s personal Gynaecologist was there with some injuries.

Rohan didn’t waster her time and took her inside. Mrinal stood finding her, she was close to them ‘Dr. Ray, attack, save Siya.’

Her words were gibberish in tension and grief.

‘I will Mrinal.’ With that she entered inside OT.

Abhimanyu just stood outside OT room’s door waiting for no bad news at least.


OT room was opened with a single nurse whose head wad ducked down. Her face was something which made Abhimanyu's face gone pale.

'Sorry but we couldn't save the baby.’ She herself answered before anyone could ask.

Abhimanyu fall on his knees for the first time ever in his life. He couldn't save his cutie pie. Mrinal sat beside her son who cried out hugging his mother’s stomach.

His baby is gone. The baby which was reason of his wife’s live is gone. How would his TweeyBird survive?

How would he live? What will he say to her that he is a loser, he is the biggest loser?

He couldn’t protect the baby he claimed as his. He couldn’t save the life, his TweetyBird was carrying.

And Siya, she will become a living corpse. Rohan’s eyes teared up, his best friend’s baby is gone. And Abhay he never this much helpless ever in his life, not even Abhimanyu was kidnapped at the age of 10.

How cruel destiny was. Siya was victim of their cruel world, and her innocent baby paid for it with her own life. The baby she carried for 8 months in her womb is gone for forever.


While they were mourning for their baby, another nurse came and dragged the first nurse inside. Abhimanyu got up and followed them without any care.

‘I want to see my dead baby, touch him/her, hold him Ma.’ He cried out a baby. Mrinal slowly saw her son’s destruction in the pain of his baby’s death. She slowly followed him with other. They didn’t have any strength left inside their body, mind and heart.

We are just puppet in the hands of almighty. Their power, money nothing could save their heir.

Abhimanyu ran like a mad man, Rohan hurried behind them and Mrinal anf Abhay followed them hand in hand.

But truly humans are puppet in the hands of almighty. All the doctors were stunned once again. The poison was only to kill the Baby and maybe harm the mother. But the miracle was something else.

All the medical staff were happy. Abhimanyu stopped looking at his wife’s body and ran to her. He wanted to comfort her but didn’t have words moreover his wife was out of sense.

The doctors didn’t stop them, not because sympathy but in respect. He was their boss after all.

But Dr. Ray held his hand only to get a bloodshot glare. Rohan marched fast to calm down his friend.

‘Just few minutes Sir. It’s miracle.’ Her voice boomed like a thunderstorm.

‘What miracle doctor and where is my de..ad baby?’ His words stuck to mention his dead baby.

‘It’s hidden twin pregnancy.’ As soon as these words left her mouth the time was stopped. Abhimanyu’s eyes shined with hope ‘You mean I .. we had two babies.’

The joy in his voice touched everyone’s voice.

‘Yes Sir, it’s miracle. Your baby boy protected his baby sis. Now just give us some time we need to perform c – section.’

‘And my wife, did the poison harm her? She will be fine na.’ He asked like a curious kid.

‘The poison harmed her but she will be fine. Keep faith, your good work will come back.’ Another doctor replied and they moved out as the doctors performed c – section of Siya.

Coming out Mrinal hugged Abhimanyu ‘Your instincts were right Abhi Babu. We will our granddaughter.’

The innocent soul wiped her son’s tears but only Abhimanyu knew how he will avenge his baby boy.



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Writing books where he fell first and he fell harder also.